All Classes and Interfaces
internal use only
Enumeration contains identifiers determining barcodes data reading result
Enumeration contains types of barcodes which can be processed
Class contains base document reader configurations
Class contains mobile BLE device configurations
Button tags for UI customization
Created by Sergey Yakimchik on 5.11.21.
Enumeration contains types of camera API.
Enumeration contains types of camera.
Enumeration contains possible scanning modes
structure describing point coordinate
Base class that a set of constants specifying the informational data groups, the contents of which needs to be obtained when executing the reading
command when working in batch mode (
Enumeration contains possible values of document types
Enumeration contains a set of identifiers determining document geometric format according to the ISO/IEC 7810
Contains all possible callback codes
Class contains document reader configurations
Possible values of the frame type
Contains set of values of the application's orientation
Class, which provides API for easy MRZ recognizing and results receiving.
structure describing single value of the field
structure, describing single barcode extracted
structure describing single value of the field
structure, containing information about determined document type
structure, describing single graphic field extracted
structure, containing all graphic fields extracted
Structure containing data of notification about reading process
Class describing results returned on completion of Document Reader work
Container for an optical related scanning statuses.
Structure containing rfid origin values
class, contains information about processing scenario.
structure describing single value of the field
serves for storing information from one text data field.
structure, containing all text data extracted and recognized from the document
structure describing single value of the field
structure describing single value of the field
structure describing single value of the field
Class that contains DTC data groups
Enumeration contains identificators which determinate the result of the text field comparison from the different sources
Enumeration contains identifiers determining the result of a single document security check
Class that contains EDL data groups
Enumeration contains identifiers determining the logical type of the graphic data obtained while reading document filling fields or barcodes
Class that contains EID data groups
Enumeration contains possible values of input image quality check result type
structure is used for storing element bounds detection result.
Class that contains EPassport data groups
Internal use only
Enumeration contains a set of constants that define the type of authentication or secure data access procedure
Type of application of electronic document
Enumeration contains a set of constants that define the type of performed procedure of document authentication within the context of the communication session with electronic document
Enumeration contains a set of constants specifying the rate of data ex- change between the reader and the RFID-chip
Enumeration contains a set of constants that define the type of certificate used in the procedure of document security object digital signature verification
Enumeration contains a set of constants that define the file type (or logical belonging of the data object) within the context of the communication session with electronic document
Created by Sergey Yakimchik on 2.03.22.
Enumeration contains a set of notification returned to the user application by calling the callback-function
Enumeration contains a set of constants that define the type of key to access the protected data
Enumeration contains a set of constants that determine the profiler type
Enumeration contains a set of constants that define the type of terminal within the context of the communication session with electronic document
Enumeration contains identifiers determining the possibility of performing different authenticity control procedures using the images for definite lighting schemes
Enumeration contains a set of identifiers used for identifying document reader possibilities, specifying lighting schemes for scanning etc.
Enumeration contains a pool of constants which determine the type of resulting data formed during the data scanning and processing cycle and passed to the user application
Enumeration contains identifiers determining types of elements for a document authenticity checking
Enumeration contains a pool of constants which determine eSign management action
contains identifiers determining the logical type of the text data obtained while reading MRZ, document filling fields and bar-codes.
The constants of the enumeration identify the shape of the camera frame
Functional-related params
Interface used for modifying
object.Base Interface defining callback object for receiving notifications on Documents Database preparation
Interface defining callback object for receiving an update for a database.
Interface defining callback object for receiving answer after adding data to the package
Interface defining callback object for receiving answer after starting backend processing
Interface defining callback object for receiving answer from processing engine
Interface defining callback object for receiving answer after backend processing has finished
Interface defining callback object for receiving answer from initialization process
Interface defining callback object for receiving notifications on Documents Database preparation
Interface defining callback object for receiving notifications on Documents Database preparation
Image formats used to create an online processing request
Structure contains options for incoming image quality assurance checks
Class containing additional parameters for glare checking
Structure, containing information about single image quality check
Structure, containing overall data about quality checks performed
Interface defining callback object for receiving RFID request data
Interface defining callback object for receiving answer from setting TCC params
Interface to create universal NFC tag and tranceive commands to core
Interface defining callback object for receiving recorded video
Enumeration consists of a language ID that identify a particular language
Class describe license
Created by Sergey Yakimchik on 25.08.21.
Modes used for online processing
Class contains online processing configuration
Structure containing parameters for UI customization on the document capture screen
Interface used for modifying
Enumeration contains the information about the PDF417 barcode
Class contains information about PKD certificate
Enumeration contains a set of constants that define the type of certificate used in the procedure of document security object digital signature verification
Enumeration contains a set of constants that define scanning process completion status
structure, used to configure the processing workflow
will be checked against CORE capabilities
Class contains rfid scenario configuration
The constants of the enumeration identify the system for measuring distances and weight
The constants of the enumeration contains the scenarios' identifiers
Class contains information about TCC parameters
Visible Digital Seal for Non Constrained environments.