Class DocumentReaderResults

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class DocumentReaderResults extends Object implements Cloneable
Class describing results returned on completion of Document Reader work
  • Field Details

    • videoCaptureSessionId

      public String videoCaptureSessionId
    • chipPage

      public int chipPage
      Indicates which page of document contains RFID chip (0 if there's no page containing) Requires Document Type recognition, otherwise 1 by default
    • irElapsedTime

      public int irElapsedTime
    • elapsedTime

      public int elapsedTime
    • elapsedTimeRFID

      public int elapsedTimeRFID
    • processingFinishedStatus

      public int processingFinishedStatus
    • morePagesAvailable

      public int morePagesAvailable
      Indicates, if document has more pages (count) to be processed (e.g. ID card's front and back side) Requires Document Type recognition, otherwise 0 by default
    • rfidResult

      public int rfidResult
      One of eRFID_ErrorCodes values Result of RFID reading process
    • highResolution

      public boolean highResolution
      Indicates, if document is needed with high resolution false by default
    • graphicResult

      public DocumentReaderGraphicResult graphicResult
      image processing graphic results
    • textResult

      public DocumentReaderTextResult textResult
      image processing text results
    • documentPosition

      public List<ElementPosition> documentPosition
      positions of document blank
    • barcodePosition

      public List<ElementPosition> barcodePosition
      positions of found Barcode
    • mrzPosition

      public List<ElementPosition> mrzPosition
      positions of the MRZ area
    • imageQuality

      public List<ImageQualityGroup> imageQuality
      Image Quality check results
    • documentType

      public List<DocumentReaderDocumentType> documentType
      type of the document, if recognized Requires Document Type recognition
    • docLivenessRects

      public List<DocLivenessRect> docLivenessRects
      rect with holograms on the document
    • rawResult

      public String rawResult
      all available results in JSON format
    • rfidSessionData

      public RFIDSessionData rfidSessionData
      results of work with the SDK within the context of the current communication session with electronic document
    • authenticityResult

      public DocumentReaderAuthenticityResult authenticityResult
      results of work with document authenticity
    • barcodeResult

      public DocumentReaderBarcodeResult barcodeResult
      results of work with barcode result
    • ppmIn

      public Integer ppmIn
    • hologramTiltType

      public int hologramTiltType
    • multipageAnimationImage

      public int[] multipageAnimationImage
    • animationImage

      public int animationImage
    • vdsncData

      public VDSNCData vdsncData
    • status

    • transactionInfo

      public TransactionInfo transactionInfo
  • Constructor Details

    • DocumentReaderResults

      public DocumentReaderResults()
  • Method Details

    • getTextFieldValueByType

      public String getTextFieldValueByType(int fieldType, int lcid, int source, boolean original)
      Use this method, to get single text field value from the results container
      fieldType - one of eVisualFieldType values, indicating type of field, which value should be fetched
      lcid - one of LCID values indicating ID of language-culture to differentiate one field of the same type from another (e.g. Belarus Passport Page # 31 – Belarusian and Russian fields of the same type)
      source - one of eRPRM_ResultType values, indicating the fields origin source
      original - define to return original image, false by default
      value of the desired field or null, if not found
    • getTextFieldValueByType

      public String getTextFieldValueByType(int fieldType, int lcid, int source)
      Use this method, to get single text field value from the results container
      fieldType - one of eVisualFieldType values, indicating type of field, which value should be fetched
      lcid - one of LCID values indicating ID of language-culture to differentiate one field of the same type from another (e.g. Belarus Passport Page # 31 – Belarusian and Russian fields of the same type)
      source - one of eRPRM_ResultType values, indicating the fields origin source
      value of the desired field or null, if not found
    • getTextFieldValueByType

      public String getTextFieldValueByType(int fieldType, int lcid)
      Use this method, to get single text field value from the results container
      fieldType - one of eVisualFieldType values, indicating type of field, which value should be fetched
      lcid - one of LCID values indicating ID of language-culture to differentiate one field of the same type from another (e.g. Belarus Passport Page # 31 – Belarusian and Russian fields of the same type)
      value of the desired field or null, if not found
    • getTextFieldValueByType

      public String getTextFieldValueByType(int fieldType)
      Use this method, to get single text field value from the results container
      fieldType - one of eVisualFieldType values, indicating type of field, which value should be fetched
      value of the desired field or null, if not found
    • getTextFieldValueByTypeAndSource

      public String getTextFieldValueByTypeAndSource(int fieldType, int source)
      Use this method, to get single text field value from the results container
      fieldType - one of eVisualFieldType values, indicating type of field, which value should be fetched
      source - one of eRPRM_ResultType values, indicating the fields origin source
      value of the desired field or null, if not found
    • getTextFieldValueByTypeAndSource

      public String getTextFieldValueByTypeAndSource(int fieldType, int source, boolean original)
      Use this method, to get single text field value from the results container
      fieldType - one of eVisualFieldType values, indicating type of field, which value should be fetche
      source - one of eRPRM_ResultType values, indicating the fields origin source
      original - define to return original image, false by default
      value of the desired field or null, if not found
    • getTextFieldByType

      public DocumentReaderTextField getTextFieldByType(int fieldType)
      Use this method, to get single text field from the results container
      fieldType - one of eVisualFieldType values, indicating type of field, which value should be fetched
      value of the desired field or null, if not found
    • getTextFieldByType

      public DocumentReaderTextField getTextFieldByType(int fieldType, int lcid)
      Use this method, to get single text field from the results container
      fieldType - one of eVisualFieldType values, indicating type of field, which value should be fetched
      lcid - one of LCID values indicating ID of language-culture to differentiate one field of the same type from another (e.g. Belarus Passport Page # 31 – Belarusian and Russian fields of the same type)
      value of the desired field or null, if not found
    • getTextFieldStatusByType

      public int getTextFieldStatusByType(int fieldType, int lcid)
      Use this method to get single text field verification result from the results container
      fieldType - one of eVisualFieldType values, indicating type of field, which status should be fetched
      lcid - one of LCID values indicating ID of language-culture to differentiate one field of the same type from another (e.g. Belarus Passport Page # 31 – Belarusian and Russian fields of the same type)
      verification status of the requested field
    • getTextFieldStatusByType

      public int getTextFieldStatusByType(int fieldType)
      Use this method to get single text field verification result from the results container
      fieldType - one of eVisualFieldType values, indicating type of field, which status should be fetched
      verification status of the requested field
    • getGraphicFieldByType

      public DocumentReaderGraphicField getGraphicFieldByType(int fieldType, int source)
      Use this method to get single graphic field from the results container
      fieldType - one of eGraphicFieldType values, indicating the type of graphic element
      source - one of eRPRM_ResultType values, indicating the graphic field's origin source
      bitmap if requested field exists in results container or null
    • getGraphicFieldByType

      public DocumentReaderGraphicField getGraphicFieldByType(int fieldType, int source, int pageIndex)
      Use this method to get single graphic field from the results container
      fieldType - one of eGraphicFieldType values, indicating the type of graphic element
      source - one of eRPRM_ResultType values, indicating the graphic field's origin source
      pageIndex - index of page
      bitmap if requested field exists in results container or null
    • getGraphicFieldByType

      public DocumentReaderGraphicField getGraphicFieldByType(int fieldType, int source, int pageIndex, int light)
      Use this method to get single graphic field from the results container
      fieldType - one of eGraphicFieldType values, indicating the type of graphic element
      source - one of eRPRM_ResultType values, indicating the graphic field's origin source
      pageIndex - index of page
      light - one of eRPRM_Lights indicating lightning scheme of the graphic field was taken in
      bitmap if requested field exists in results container or null
    • getGraphicFieldImageByType

      public Bitmap getGraphicFieldImageByType(int fieldType, int source, int pageIndex, int light)
      Use this method to get single graphic field from the results container
      fieldType - one of eGraphicFieldType values, indicating the type of graphic element
      source - one of eRPRM_ResultType values, indicating the graphic field's origin source
      pageIndex - index of page
      light - one of eRPRM_Lights indicating lightning scheme of the graphic field was taken in
      bitmap if requested field exists in results container or null
    • getGraphicFieldImageByType

      public Bitmap getGraphicFieldImageByType(int fieldType, int source, int pageIndex)
      Use this method to get single graphic field from the results container
      fieldType - one of eGraphicFieldType values, indicating the type of graphic element
      source - one of eRPRM_ResultType values, indicating the graphic field's origin source
      pageIndex - index of page
      bitmap if requested field exists in results container or null
    • getGraphicFieldImageByType

      public Bitmap getGraphicFieldImageByType(int fieldType, int source)
      Use this method to get single graphic field from the results container
      fieldType - one of eGraphicFieldType values, indicating the type of graphic element
      source - one of eRPRM_ResultType values, indicating the graphic field's origin source
      bitmap if requested field exists in results container or null
    • getGraphicFieldImageByType

      public Bitmap getGraphicFieldImageByType(int fieldType)
      Use this method to get single graphic field from the results container
      fieldType - one of eGraphicFieldType values, indicating the type of graphic element
      bitmap if requested field exists in results container or null
    • getQualityResult

      public int getQualityResult(int imageQualityCheckType, int securityFeature)
      Use this method to get image quality verification result
      imageQualityCheckType - one of eImageQualityCheckType values, indicating kind of image quality verification
      securityFeature - one of eRPRM_SecurityFeatureType values, indicating element verified
      Image Quality verification result
    • getQualityResult

      public int getQualityResult(int imageQualityCheckType, int securityFeature, int pageIndex)
      Use this method to get image quality verification result
      imageQualityCheckType - one of eImageQualityCheckType values, indicating kind of image quality verification
      securityFeature - one of eRPRM_SecurityFeatureType values, indicating element verified
      pageIndex - page index
      Image Quality verification result
    • getQualityResult

      public int getQualityResult(int imageQualityCheckType)
      Use this method to get image quality verification result
      imageQualityCheckType - one of eImageQualityCheckType values, indicating kind of image quality verification
      Image Quality verification result
    • clone

      public Object clone()
      clone in class Object
    • fromRawResults

      public static DocumentReaderResults fromRawResults(String json)
    • fromRawResults

      public static DocumentReaderResults fromRawResults(JSONObject jsonObject)
    • clear

      public void clear()
    • getContainers

      public String getContainers(int[] resultType)
      Method returns containers by result type. If result type doesn't exist, the result of the search will be null.
      resultType - array of result type specified in eRPRM_ResultType.ResultTypeValues enum
      get original containers from rawResult value in JSON format including information about the transaction.
    • getEncryptedContainers

      public String getEncryptedContainers()
      Method returns only containers for eRPRM_ResultType.RPRM_RESULT_TYPE_INTERNAL_RFID_SESSION, eRPRM_ResultType.RPRM_RESULT_TYPE_INTERNAL_ENCRYPTED_RCL and eRPRM_ResultType.RPRM_RESULT_TYPE_INTERNAL_LICENSE values from eRPRM_ResultType.ResultTypeValues enum. For more details, see getContainers(int[]) method.
      get all encrypted containers from rawResult to reprocess data on the server side.