Class RfidScenario


public class RfidScenario extends Object
Class contains rfid scenario configuration
  • Constructor Details

    • RfidScenario

      public RfidScenario()
  • Method Details

    • toCoreJson

      public String toCoreJson(DocumentReaderResults results)
      internal method for convert rfid options to Core
      results - latest document reader results
      json string
    • toJson

      public String toJson()
      Converts RfidScenario object to JSON string
    • toJsonObject

      public JSONObject toJsonObject()
      Converts RfidScenario object to JSON object
    • fromJson

      public RfidScenario fromJson(String json)
      Converts properly formatted JSON string to RfidScenario object instance
    • getSignManagementAction

      public int getSignManagementAction()
      one of eSignManagementAction values
    • setSignManagementAction

      public void setSignManagementAction(int signManagementAction)
      signManagementAction - one of eSignManagementAction values
    • getReadingBuffer

      public int getReadingBuffer()
    • setReadingBuffer

      public void setReadingBuffer(int readingBuffer)
    • getOnlineTAToSignDataType

      public int getOnlineTAToSignDataType()
    • setOnlineTAToSignDataType

      public void setOnlineTAToSignDataType(int onlineTAToSignDataType)
    • isOnlineTA

      public boolean isOnlineTA()
    • setOnlineTA

      public void setOnlineTA(boolean onlineTA)
    • isWriteEid

      public boolean isWriteEid()
    • setWriteEid

      public void setWriteEid(boolean writeEid)
    • getProfilerType

      public int getProfilerType()
      current data profiler type, one of eRFID_SDK_ProfilerType values
    • setProfilerType

      public void setProfilerType(int profilerType)
      LDS data profiler type
      profilerType - one of eRFID_SDK_ProfilerType values
    • getAuthProcType

      public int getAuthProcType()
      the type of performed procedure of document authentication within the context of the communication session with electronic document one of eRFID_AuthenticationProcedureType values
    • setAuthProcType

      public void setAuthProcType(int authProcType)
      define the type of performed procedure of document authentication within the context of the communication session with electronic document
      authProcType - one of eRFID_AuthenticationProcedureType values
    • getBaseSMProcedure

      public int getBaseSMProcedure()
      current type of authentication or secure data access procedure one of eRFID_AccessControl_ProcedureType values
    • setBaseSMProcedure

      public void setBaseSMProcedure(int baseSMProcedure)
      define the type of authentication or secure data access procedure
      baseSMProcedure - one of eRFID_AccessControl_ProcedureType values
    • getPacePasswordType

      public int getPacePasswordType()
      the type of key to access the protected data one of eRFID_Password_Type
    • setPacePasswordType

      public void setPacePasswordType(int pacePasswordType)
      define the type of key to access the protected data
      pacePasswordType - one of eRFID_Password_Type
    • getTerminalType

      public int getTerminalType()
      current type of terminal within the context of the communication session with electronic document one of eRFID_TerminalType
    • setTerminalType

      public void setTerminalType(int terminalType)
      define the type of terminal within the context of the communication session with electronic document
      terminalType - one of eRFID_TerminalType
    • isUniversalAccessRights

      public boolean isUniversalAccessRights()
      logical sign of the use of the universal access rights to the capabilities of electronic document ("all inclusive" mode). If false, set of access rights will be composed on the basis of the following options: -rights for reading data groups (ePassport, eID applications) formed on the basis of actually requested in the current reading session -rights to use the functionality of the electronic document for AT terminal – based on the following parameters (all values of true/false)
    • setUniversalAccessRights

      public void setUniversalAccessRights(boolean universalAccessRights)
    • isAuthorizedRestrictedIdentification

      public boolean isAuthorizedRestrictedIdentification()
      Logical sign of restricted identification procedure performance
    • setAuthorizedRestrictedIdentification

      public void setAuthorizedRestrictedIdentification(boolean authorizedRestrictedIdentification)
    • isAuxVerificationCommunityID

      public boolean isAuxVerificationCommunityID()
      logical sign of the need to verify Community ID
    • setAuxVerificationCommunityID

      public void setAuxVerificationCommunityID(boolean auxVerificationCommunityID)
    • isAuxVerificationDateOfBirth

      public boolean isAuxVerificationDateOfBirth()
      logical sign of the need to verify the age of the document holder
    • setAuxVerificationDateOfBirth

      public void setAuxVerificationDateOfBirth(boolean auxVerificationDateOfBirth)
    • isSkipAA

      public boolean isSkipAA()
      logical sign of the cancellation of active authentication procedure after the successful performance of chip authentication (CA) procedure
    • setSkipAA

      public void setSkipAA(boolean skipAA)
    • isStrictProcessing

      public boolean isStrictProcessing()
    • setStrictProcessing

      public void setStrictProcessing(boolean strictProcessing)
    • isPkdDSCertPriority

      public boolean isPkdDSCertPriority()
    • setPkdDSCertPriority

      public void setPkdDSCertPriority(boolean pkdDSCertPriority)
    • isPkdUseExternalCSCA

      public boolean isPkdUseExternalCSCA()
      limitation of the use of CSCA-certificates submitted by individual data files only
    • setPkdUseExternalCSCA

      public void setPkdUseExternalCSCA(boolean pkdUseExternalCSCA)
    • isTrustedPKD

      public boolean isTrustedPKD()
      acquisition of the sign of maximum trust level activity to CSCA-certificates from PKD
    • setTrustedPKD

      public void setTrustedPKD(boolean trustedPKD)
    • isPassiveAuth

      public boolean isPassiveAuth()
      logical sign of passive authentication performance
    • setPassiveAuth

      public void setPassiveAuth(boolean passiveAuth)
    • isPaceStaticBinding

      public boolean isPaceStaticBinding()
    • setPaceStaticBinding

      public void setPaceStaticBinding(boolean paceStaticBinding)
    • getPassword

      public String getPassword()
      value as a security key for opening RFID security messaging session with a chip
    • setPassword

      public void setPassword(String password)
    • isUseSFI

      public boolean isUseSFI()
    • setUseSFI

      public void setUseSFI(boolean useSFI)
    • getPkdPA

      public String getPkdPA()
    • setPkdPA

      public void setPkdPA(String pkdPA)
    • getPkdEAC

      public String getPkdEAC()
    • setPkdEAC

      public void setPkdEAC(String pkdEAC)
    • isReadEPassport

      public boolean isReadEPassport()
      If set, ePassport Application reading attempt will be performed
    • setReadEPassport

      public void setReadEPassport(boolean readEPassport)
    • isReadEID

      public boolean isReadEID()
      If set, eID Application reading attempt will be performed
    • setReadEID

      public void setReadEID(boolean readEID)
    • isReadEDL

      public boolean isReadEDL()
      If set, eDL Application reading attempt will be performed
    • setReadEDL

      public void setReadEDL(boolean readEDL)
    • getMrz

      public String getMrz()
      MRZ value as a security key for opening RFID security messaging session with a chip used when getPacePasswordType() is set eRFID_Password_Type.PPT_MRZ
    • setMrz

      public void setMrz(String mrz)
    • geteSignPINDefault

      public String geteSignPINDefault()
    • seteSignPINDefault

      public void seteSignPINDefault(String eSignPINDefault)
    • geteSignPINNewValue

      public String geteSignPINNewValue()
    • seteSignPINNewValue

      public void seteSignPINNewValue(String eSignPINNewValue)
    • isAuthorizedSTSignature

      public boolean isAuthorizedSTSignature()
    • setAuthorizedSTSignature

      public void setAuthorizedSTSignature(boolean authorizedSTSignature)
    • isAuthorizedSTQSignature

      public boolean isAuthorizedSTQSignature()
    • setAuthorizedSTQSignature

      public void setAuthorizedSTQSignature(boolean authorizedSTQSignature)
    • isAuthorizedWriteDG17

      public boolean isAuthorizedWriteDG17()
      rights to write (update) the data of eID application informational group DG17
    • setAuthorizedWriteDG17

      public void setAuthorizedWriteDG17(boolean authorizedWriteDG17)
    • isAuthorizedWriteDG18

      public boolean isAuthorizedWriteDG18()
      rights to write (update) the data of eID application informational group DG18
    • setAuthorizedWriteDG18

      public void setAuthorizedWriteDG18(boolean authorizedWriteDG18)
    • isAuthorizedWriteDG19

      public boolean isAuthorizedWriteDG19()
      rights to write (update) the data of eID application informational group DG19
    • setAuthorizedWriteDG19

      public void setAuthorizedWriteDG19(boolean authorizedWriteDG19)
    • isAuthorizedWriteDG20

      public boolean isAuthorizedWriteDG20()
      rights to write (update) the data of eID application informational group DG20
    • setAuthorizedWriteDG20

      public void setAuthorizedWriteDG20(boolean authorizedWriteDG20)
    • isAuthorizedWriteDG21

      public boolean isAuthorizedWriteDG21()
      rights to write (update) the data of eID application informational group DG21
    • setAuthorizedWriteDG21

      public void setAuthorizedWriteDG21(boolean authorizedWriteDG21)
    • isAuthorizedVerifyAge

      public boolean isAuthorizedVerifyAge()
      rights to perform Age verification
    • setAuthorizedVerifyAge

      public void setAuthorizedVerifyAge(boolean authorizedVerifyAge)
    • isAuthorizedVerifyCommunityID

      public boolean isAuthorizedVerifyCommunityID()
      rights to perform Community ID verification
    • setAuthorizedVerifyCommunityID

      public void setAuthorizedVerifyCommunityID(boolean authorizedVerifyCommunityID)
    • isAuthorizedPrivilegedTerminal

      public boolean isAuthorizedPrivilegedTerminal()
      right to use privileged CA keys
    • setAuthorizedPrivilegedTerminal

      public void setAuthorizedPrivilegedTerminal(boolean authorizedPrivilegedTerminal)
    • isAuthorizedCANAllowed

      public boolean isAuthorizedCANAllowed()
      right to use CAN password
    • setAuthorizedCANAllowed

      public void setAuthorizedCANAllowed(boolean authorizedCANAllowed)
    • isAuthorizedPINManagment

      public boolean isAuthorizedPINManagment()
      right to use PIN password management instructions
    • setAuthorizedPINManagment

      public void setAuthorizedPINManagment(boolean authorizedPINManagment)
    • isAuthorizedInstallCert

      public boolean isAuthorizedInstallCert()
    • setAuthorizedInstallCert

      public void setAuthorizedInstallCert(boolean authorizedInstallCert)
    • isAuthorizedInstallQCert

      public boolean isAuthorizedInstallQCert()
      right to generate a pair of cryptographic keys for eSign application
    • setAuthorizedInstallQCert

      public void setAuthorizedInstallQCert(boolean authorizedInstallQCert)
    • ePassportDataGroups

      public EPassportDataGroups ePassportDataGroups()
      List of Data Groups to be read for ePassport Application
    • eIDDataGroups

      public EIDDataGroups eIDDataGroups()
      List of Data Groups to be read for eID Application
    • eDLDataGroups

      public EDLDataGroups eDLDataGroups()
      List of Data Groups to be read for eDL Application
    • setAutoSettings

      public void setAutoSettings(boolean autoSettings)
    • isAutoSettings

      public boolean isAutoSettings()
    • setApplyAmendments

      public void setApplyAmendments(boolean value)
    • isApplyAmendments

      public boolean isApplyAmendments()
    • setReadSAM

      public void setReadSAM(boolean readSAM)
    • isReadSAM

      public boolean isReadSAM()
    • getDefaultReadingBufferSize

      public int getDefaultReadingBufferSize()
    • setDefaultReadingBufferSize

      public void setDefaultReadingBufferSize(int defaultReadingBufferSize)
    • getProceedReadingAlways

      public Boolean getProceedReadingAlways()
    • setProceedReadingAlways

      public void setProceedReadingAlways(boolean proceedReadingAlways)
      If set to true, continue RFID chip processing, despite ICAO critical errors