

NS_ENUM(NSInteger, RGLDiDocType) {
     An unknown document type
    RGLDiDocTypeNotDefined = 0,
    RGLDiDocTypePassport = 11,
     Identity Card
    RGLDiDocTypeIdentityCard = 12,
     Diplomatic Passport
    RGLDiDocTypeDiplomaticPassport = 13,
     Service Passport
    RGLDiDocTypeServicePassport = 14,
     Seaman's Identity Document
    RGLDiDocTypeSeamanIdentityDocument = 15,
     Identity Card for Residence
    RGLDiDocTypeIdentityCardForResidence = 16,
     Travel Document
    RGLDiDocTypeTravelDocument = 17,
    RGLDiDocTypeOther = 99,
     Visa ID-2
    RGLDiDocTypeVisaID2 = 29,
     Visa ID-3
    RGLDiDocTypeVisaID3 = 30,
     National Identity Card
    RGLDiDocTypeNationalIdentityCard = 20,
     Social Identity Card
    RGLDiDocTypeSocialIdentityCard = 21,
     Alien's Identity Card
    RGLDiDocTypeAliensIdentityCard = 22,
     Privileged Identity Card
    RGLDiDocTypePrivilegedIdentityCard = 23,
     Residence Permit Identity Card
    RGLDiDocTypeResidencePermitIdentityCard = 24,
     Origin Card
    RGLDiDocTypeOriginCard = 25,
     Emergency Passport
    RGLDiDocTypeEmergencyPassport = 26,
     Alien's Passport
    RGLDiDocTypeAliensPassport = 27,
     Alternative Identity Card
    RGLDiDocTypeAlternativeIdentityCard = 28,
     Authorization Card
    RGLDiDocTypeAuthorizationCard = 32,
     Beginner Permit
    RGLDiDocTypeBeginnerPermit = 33,
     Border Crossing Card
    RGLDiDocTypeBorderCrossingCard = 34,
     Chauffeur License
    RGLDiDocTypeChauffeurLicense = 35,
     Chauffeur License under 18
    RGLDiDocTypeChauffeurLicenseUnder18 = 36,
     Chauffeur License under 21
    RGLDiDocTypeChauffeurLicenseUnder21 = 37,
     Commercial Driving License
    RGLDiDocTypeCommercialDrivingLicense = 38,
     Commercial Driving License Instructional Permit
    RGLDiDocTypeCommercialDrivingLicenseInstructionalPermit = 39,
     Commercial Driving License under 18
    RGLDiDocTypeCommercialDrivingLicenseUnder18 = 40,
     Commercial Driving License under 21
    RGLDiDocTypeCommercialDrivingLicenseUnder21 = 41,
     Commercial Indtuction Permit
    RGLDiDocTypeCommercialInstructionPermit = 42,
     Commercial New Permit
    RGLDiDocTypeCommercialNewPermit = 43,
     Concealed Carry License
    RGLDiDocTypeConcealedCarryLicense = 44,
     Concealed Firearm Permit
    RGLDiDocTypeConcealedFirearmPermit = 45,
     Conditional Driving License
    RGLDiDocTypeConditionalDrivingLicense = 46,
     Department of Veterans Affairs Identity Card
    RGLDiDocTypeDepartmentOfVeteransAffairsIdentityCard = 47,
     Diplomatic Driving License
    RGLDiDocTypeDiplomaticDrivingLicense = 48,
     Driving License
    RGLDiDocTypeDrivingLicense = 49,
     Driving License Instructional Permit
    RGLDiDocTypeDrivingLicenseInstructionalPermit = 50,
     Driving License Instructional Permit under 18
    RGLDiDocTypeDrivingLicenseInstructionalPermitUnder18 = 51,
     Driving License Instructional Permit under 21
    RGLDiDocTypeDrivingLicenseInstructionalPermitUnder21 = 52,
     Driving License Learners Permit
    RGLDiDocTypeDrivingLicenseLearnersPermit = 53,
     Driving License Learners Permit under 18
    RGLDiDocTypeDrivingLicenseLearnersPermitUnder18 = 54,
     Driving License Learners Permit under 21
    RGLDiDocTypeDrivingLicenseLearnersPermitUnder21 = 55,
     Driving License Novice
    RGLDiDocTypeDrivingLicenseNovice = 56,
     Driving License Novice under 18
    RGLDiDocTypeDrivingLicenseNoviceUnder18 = 57,
     Driving License Novice under 21
    RGLDiDocTypeDrivingLicenseNoviceUnder21 = 58,
     Driving License Registered Offender
    RGLDiDocTypeDrivingLicenseRegisteredOffender = 59,
     Driving License Redticted under 18
    RGLDiDocTypeDrivingLicenseRestrictedUnder18 = 60,
     Driving License Redticted under 21
    RGLDiDocTypeDrivingLicenseRestrictedUnder21 = 61,
     Driving License Temporary Visitor
    RGLDiDocTypeDrivingLicenseTemporaryVisitor = 62,
     Driving License Temporary Visitor under 18
    RGLDiDocTypeDrivingLicenseTemporaryVisitorUnder18 = 63,
     Driving License Temporary Visitor under 21
    RGLDiDocTypeDrivingLicenseTemporaryVisitorUnder21 = 64,
     Driving License under 18
    RGLDiDocTypeDrivingLicenseUnder18 = 65,
     Driving License under 21
    RGLDiDocTypeDrivingLicenseUnder21 = 66,
     Employment Driving Permit
    RGLDiDocTypeEmploymentDrivingPermit = 67,
     Enhanced Chauffeur License
    RGLDiDocTypeEnhancedChauffeurLicense = 68,
     Enhanced Chauffeur License under 18
    RGLDiDocTypeEnhancedChauffeurLicenseUnder18 = 69,
     Enhanced Chauffeur License under 21
    RGLDiDocTypeEnhancedChauffeurLicenseUnder21 = 70,
     Enhanced Commercial Driving License
    RGLDiDocTypeEnhancedCommercialDrivingLicense = 71,
     Enhanced Driving License
    RGLDiDocTypeEnhancedDrivingLicense = 72,
     Enhanced Driving License under 18
    RGLDiDocTypeEnhancedDrivingLicenseUnder18 = 73,
     Enhanced Driving License under 21
    RGLDiDocTypeEnhancedDrivingLicenseUnder21 = 74,
     Enhanced Identity Card
    RGLDiDocTypeEnhancedIdentityCard = 75,
     Enhanced Identity Card under 18
    RGLDiDocTypeEnhancedIdentityCardUnder18 = 76,
     Enhanced Identity Card under 21
    RGLDiDocTypeEnhancedIdentityCardUnder21 = 77,
     Enhanced Operators License
    RGLDiDocTypeEnhancedOperatorsLicense = 78,
     Firearms Permit
    RGLDiDocTypeFirearmsPermit = 79,
     Full Provisional License
    RGLDiDocTypeFullProvisionalLicense = 80,
     Full Provisional License under 18
    RGLDiDocTypeFullProvisionalLicenseUnder18 = 81,
     Full Provisional License under 21
    RGLDiDocTypeFullProvisionalLicenseUnder21 = 82,
     Geneva Conventions Identity Card
    RGLDiDocTypeGenevaConventionsIdentityCard = 83,
     Graduated Driving License under 18
    RGLDiDocTypeGraduatedDrivingLicenseUnder18 = 84,
     Graduated Driving License under 21
    RGLDiDocTypeGraduatedDrivingLicenseUnder21 = 85,
     Graduated Indtuction Permit under 18
    RGLDiDocTypeGraduatedIndtuctionPermitUnder18 = 86,
     Graduated Indtuction Permit under 21
    RGLDiDocTypeGraduatedIndtuctionPermitUnder21 = 87,
     Graduated License under 18
    RGLDiDocTypeGraduatedLicenseUnder18 = 88,
     Graduated License under 21
    RGLDiDocTypeGraduatedLicenseUnder21 = 89,
     Handgun Carry Permit
    RGLDiDocTypeHandgunCarryPermit = 90,
     Identity and Privilege Card
    RGLDiDocTypeIdentityAndPrivilegeCard = 91,
     Identity Card Mobility Impaired
    RGLDiDocTypeIdentityCardMobilityImpaired = 92,
     Identity Card Registered Offender
    RGLDiDocTypeIdentityCardRegisteredOffender = 93,
     Identity Card Temporary Visitor
    RGLDiDocTypeIdentityCardTemporaryVisitor = 94,
     Identity Card Temporary Visitor under 18
    RGLDiDocTypeIdentityCardTemporaryVisitorUnder18 = 95,
     Identity Card Temporary Visitor under 21
    RGLDiDocTypeIdentityCardTemporaryVisitorUnder21 = 96,
     Identity Card under 18
    RGLDiDocTypeIdentityCardUnder18 = 97,
     Identity Card under 21
    RGLDiDocTypeIdentityCardUnder21 = 98,
     Ignition Interlock Permit
    RGLDiDocTypeIgnitionInterlockPermit = 100,
     Immigrant Visa
    RGLDiDocTypeImmigrantVisa = 101,
     Indtuction Permit
    RGLDiDocTypeIndtuctionPermit = 102,
     Indtuction Permit under 18
    RGLDiDocTypeIndtuctionPermitUnder18 = 103,
     Indtuction Permit under 21
    RGLDiDocTypeIndtuctionPermitUnder21 = 104,
     Interim Driving License
    RGLDiDocTypeInterimDrivingLicense = 105,
     Interim Identity Card
    RGLDiDocTypeInterimIdentityCard = 106,
     Intermediate Driving License
    RGLDiDocTypeIntermediateDrivingLicense = 107,
     Intermediate Driving License under 18
    RGLDiDocTypeIntermediateDrivingLicenseUnder18 = 108,
     Intermediate Driving License under 21
    RGLDiDocTypeIntermediateDrivingLicenseUnder21 = 109,
     Junior Driving License
    RGLDiDocTypeJuniorDrivingLicense = 110,
     Learner Instructional Permit
    RGLDiDocTypeLearnerInstructionalPermit = 111,
     Learner License
    RGLDiDocTypeLearnerLicense = 112,
     Learner License under 18
    RGLDiDocTypeLearnerLicenseUnder18 = 113,
     Learner License under 21
    RGLDiDocTypeLearnerLicenseUnder21 = 114,
     Learner Permit
    RGLDiDocTypeLearnerPermit = 115,
     Learner Permit under 18
    RGLDiDocTypeLearnerPermitUnder18 = 116,
     Learner Permit under 21
    RGLDiDocTypeLearnerPermitUnder21 = 117,
     Limited License
    RGLDiDocTypeLimitedLicense = 118,
     Limited Permit
    RGLDiDocTypeLimitedPermit = 119,
     Limited Term Driving License
    RGLDiDocTypeLimitedTermDrivingLicense = 120,
     Limited Term Identity Card
    RGLDiDocTypeLimitedTermIdentityCard = 121,
     Liquor Identity Card
    RGLDiDocTypeLiquorIdentityCard = 122,
     New Permit
    RGLDiDocTypeNewPermit = 123,
     New Permit under 18
    RGLDiDocTypeNewPermitUnder18 = 124,
     New Permit under 21
    RGLDiDocTypeNewPermitUnder21 = 125,
     Non-US Citizen Driving License
    RGLDiDocTypeNonUsCitizenDrivingLicense = 126,
     Occupational Driving License
    RGLDiDocTypeOccupationalDrivingLicense = 127,
     Oneida Tribe of Indians Identity Card
    RGLDiDocTypeOneidaTribeOfIndiansIdentityCard = 128,
     Operator License
    RGLDiDocTypeOperatorLicense = 129,
     Operator License under 18
    RGLDiDocTypeOperatorLicenseUnder18 = 130,
     Operator License under 21
    RGLDiDocTypeOperatorLicenseUnder21 = 131,
     Permanent Driving License
    RGLDiDocTypePermanentDrivingLicense = 132,
     Permit to Re-enter
    RGLDiDocTypePermitToReEnter = 133,
     Probationary Auto License
    RGLDiDocTypeProbationaryAutoLicense = 134,
     Probationary Auto License under 18
    RGLDiDocTypeProbationaryDrivingLicenseUnder18 = 135,
     Probationary Auto License under 21
    RGLDiDocTypeProbationaryDrivingLicenseUnder21 = 136,
     Probationary Vehicle Salesperson License
    RGLDiDocTypeProbationaryVehicleSalespersonLicense = 137,
     Provisional Driving License
    RGLDiDocTypeProvisionalDrivingLicense = 138,
     Provisional Driving License under 18
    RGLDiDocTypeProvisionalDrivingLicenseUnder18 = 139,
     Provisional Driving License under 21
    RGLDiDocTypeProvisionalDrivingLicenseUnder21 = 140,
     Provisional License
    RGLDiDocTypeProvisionalLicense = 141,
     Provisional License under 18
    RGLDiDocTypeProvisionalLicenseUnder18 = 142,
     Provisional License under 21
    RGLDiDocTypeProvisionalLicenseUnder21 = 143,
     Public Passenger Chauffeur License
    RGLDiDocTypePublicPassengerChauffeurLicense = 144,
     Racing and Gaming Comission Card
    RGLDiDocTypeRacingAndGamingComissionCard = 145,
     Refugee Travel Document
    RGLDiDocTypeRefugeeTravelDocument = 146,
     Renewal Permit
    RGLDiDocTypeRenewalPermit = 147,
     Restricted Commercial Driving License
    RGLDiDocTypeRestrictedCommercialDrivingLicense = 148,
     Restricted Driving License
    RGLDiDocTypeRestrictedDrivingLicense = 149,
     Restricted Permit
    RGLDiDocTypeRestrictedPermit = 150,
     Seasonal Permit
    RGLDiDocTypeSeasonalPermit = 151,
     Seasonal Resident Identity Card
    RGLDiDocTypeSeasonalResidentIdentityCard = 152,
     Senior Citizen Identity Card
    RGLDiDocTypeSeniorCitizenIdentityCard = 153,
     Sex Offender
    RGLDiDocTypeSexOffender = 154,
     Social Security Card
    RGLDiDocTypeSocialSecurityCard = 155,
     Temporary Driving License
    RGLDiDocTypeTemporaryDrivingLicense = 156,
     Temporary Driving License under 18
    RGLDiDocTypeTemporaryDrivingLicenseUnder18 = 157,
     Temporary Driving License under 21
    RGLDiDocTypeTemporaryDrivingLicenseUnder21 = 158,
     Temporary Identity Card
    RGLDiDocTypeTemporaryIdentityCard = 159,
     Temporary Instruction Permit Identity Card
    RGLDiDocTypeTemporaryInstructionPermitIdentityCard = 160,
     Temporary Instruction Permit Identity Card under 18
    RGLDiDocTypeTemporaryInstructionPermitIdentityCardUnder18 = 161,
     Temporary Instruction Permit Identity Card under 21
    RGLDiDocTypeTemporaryInstructionPermitIdentityCardUnder21 = 162,
     Temporary Visitor Driving License
    RGLDiDocTypeTemporaryVisitorDrivingLicense = 163,
     Temporary Visitor Driving License under 18
    RGLDiDocTypeTemporaryVisitorDrivingLicenseUnder18 = 164,
     Temporary Visitor Driving License under 21
    RGLDiDocTypeTemporaryVisitorDrivingLicenseUnder21 = 165,
     Uniformed Services Identity Card
    RGLDiDocTypeUniformedServicesIdentityCard = 166,
     Vehicle Salesperson License
    RGLDiDocTypeVehicleSalespersonLicense = 167,
     Worker Identification Credential
    RGLDiDocTypeWorkerIdentificationCredential = 168,
     Commercial Driving License Novice
    RGLDiDocTypeCommercialDrivingLicenseNovice = 169,
     Commercial Driving License Novice under 18
    RGLDiDocTypeCommercialDrivingLicenseNoviceUnder18 = 170,
     Commercial Driving License Novice under 21
    RGLDiDocTypeCommercialDrivingLicenseNoviceUnder21 = 171,
     Passport Card
    RGLDiDocTypePassportCard = 172,
     Permanent Resident Card
    RGLDiDocTypePermanentResidentCard = 173,
     Personal Identification Verification
    RGLDiDocTypePersonalIdentificationVerification = 174,
     Temporary Operator License
    RGLDiDocTypeTemporaryOperatorLicense = 175,
     Driving License under 19
    RGLDiDocTypeDrivingLicenseUnder19 = 176,
     Identity Card under 19
    RGLDiDocTypeIdentityCardUnder19 = 177,
    RGLDiDocTypeVisa = 178,
     Temporary Passport
    RGLDiDocTypeTemporaryPassport = 179,
     Voting Card
    RGLDiDocTypeVotingCard = 180,
     Health Card
    RGLDiDocTypeHealthCard = 181,
     Certificate of Citizenship
    RGLDiDocTypeCertificateOfCitizenship = 182,
     Address Card
    RGLDiDocTypeAddressCard = 183,
     Airport Immigration Card
    RGLDiDocTypeAirportImmigrationCard = 184,
     Alien Regidtation Card
    RGLDiDocTypeAlienRegistrationCard = 185,
     APEH Card
    RGLDiDocTypeAPEHCard = 186,
     Coupon To Driving License
    RGLDiDocTypeCouponToDrivingLicense = 187,
     Crew Member Certificate
    RGLDiDocTypeCrewMemberCertificate = 188,
     Document for Return
    RGLDiDocTypeDocumentForReturn = 189,
    RGLDiDocTypeECard = 190,
     Employment Card
    RGLDiDocTypeEmploymentCard = 191,
     HKSAR Immigration Form
    RGLDiDocTypeHKSARImmigrationForm = 192,
     Immigrant Card
    RGLDiDocTypeImmigrantCard = 193,
     Labour Card
    RGLDiDocTypeLabourCard = 194,
     Laissez Passer
    RGLDiDocTypeLaissezPasser = 195,
     Lawyer Identity Certificate
    RGLDiDocTypeLawyerIdentityCertificate = 196,
     License Card
    RGLDiDocTypeLicenseCard = 197,
     Passport Stateless
    RGLDiDocTypePassportStateless = 198,
     Passport Child
    RGLDiDocTypePassportChild = 199,
     Passport Consular
    RGLDiDocTypePassportConsular = 200,
     Passport Diplomatic Service
    RGLDiDocTypePassportDiplomaticService = 201,
     Passport Official
    RGLDiDocTypePassportOfficial = 202,
     Passport Provisional
    RGLDiDocTypePassportProvisional = 203,
     Passport Special
    RGLDiDocTypePassportSpecial = 204,
     Permission to the Local Border Traffic
    RGLDiDocTypePermissionToTheLocalBorderTraffic = 205,
     Registration Certificate
    RGLDiDocTypeRegistrationCertificate = 206,
     SEDESOL Card
    RGLDiDocTypeSEDESOLCard = 207,
     Social Card
    RGLDiDocTypeSocialCard = 208,
     TB Card
    RGLDiDocTypeTBCard = 209,
     Vehicle Passport
    RGLDiDocTypeVehiclePassport = 210,
     W Document
    RGLDiDocTypeWDocument = 211,
     Diplomatic Identity Card
    RGLDiDocTypeDiplomaticIdentityCard = 212,
     Consular Identity Card
    RGLDiDocTypeConsularIdentityCard = 213,
     Income Tax Card
    RGLDiDocTypeIncomeTaxCard = 214,
     Residence Permit
    RGLDiDocTypeResidencePermit = 215,
     Document of Identity
    RGLDiDocTypeDocumentOfIdentity = 216,
     Border Crossing Permit
    RGLDiDocTypeBorderCrossingPermit = 217,
     Passport Limited Validity
    RGLDiDocTypePassportLimitedValidity = 218,
     SIM Card
    RGLDiDocTypeSIMCard = 219,
     Tax Card
    RGLDiDocTypeTaxCard = 220,
     Company Card
    RGLDiDocTypeCompanyCard = 221,
     Domestic Passport
    RGLDiDocTypeDomesticPassport = 222,
     Identity Certificate
    RGLDiDocTypeIdentityCertificate = 223,
     Resident Id Card
    RGLDiDocTypeResidentIdCard = 224,
     Armed Forces Identity Card
    RGLDiDocTypeArmedForcesIdentityCard = 225,
     Professional Card
    RGLDiDocTypeProfessionalCard = 226,
     Registration Stamp
    RGLDiDocTypeRegistrationStamp = 227,
     Driver Card
    RGLDiDocTypeDriverCard = 228,
     Driver Training Certificate
    RGLDiDocTypeDriverTrainingCertificate = 229,
     Qualification Driving License
    RGLDiDocTypeQualificationDrivingLicense = 230,
     Membership Card
    RGLDiDocTypeMembershipCard = 231,
     Public Vehicle Driver Authority Card
    RGLDiDocTypePublicVehicleDriverAuthorityCard = 232,
     Marine License
    RGLDiDocTypeMarineLicense = 233,
     Temporary Learner Driving License
    RGLDiDocTypeTemporaryLearnerDrivingLicense = 234,
     Temporary Commercial Driving License
    RGLDiDocTypeTemporaryCommercialDrivingLicense = 235,
     Interim Instructional Permit
    RGLDiDocTypeInterimInstructionalPermit = 236,
     Certificate of Competency
    RGLDiDocTypeCertificateOfCompetency = 237,
     Certificate of Proficiency
    RGLDiDocTypeCertificateOfProficiency = 238,
    RGLDiDocTypeTradeLicense = 239,
    RGLDiDocTypePassportPage = 240,
    RGLDiDocTypeInvoice = 241,
    RGLDiDocTypePassengerLocatorForm = 242,


enum DiDocType : Int, @unchecked Sendable
