
The following classes are available globally.

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    @interface RGLAccessControlProcedureType : NSObject
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) NSInteger activeOptionIdx;
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nonnull) NSArray <NSNumber *> *notifications;
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) RGLRFIDErrorCodes status;
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) RGLRFIDAccessControlProcedureType type;
    - (instancetype _Nonnull)init NS_UNAVAILABLE;
    - (instancetype _Nonnull)initWithJSON:(NSDictionary *_Nonnull)json;
    + (instancetype _Nonnull)initWithJSON:(NSDictionary * _Nonnull)json;
    - (NSDictionary *_Nonnull)jsonDictionary;


    class AccessControlProcedureType : NSObject
  • Undocumented



    @interface RGLActivityIndicator : UIActivityIndicatorView


    class ActivityIndicator : UIActivityIndicatorView
  • Undocumented

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    @interface RGLApplication : NSObject
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nonnull) NSString *applicationID;
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nonnull) NSString *dataHashAlgorithm;
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nonnull) NSArray <RGLFile *> *files;
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) NSInteger type;
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) RGLRFIDErrorCodes status;
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nonnull) NSString *unicodeVersion;
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nonnull) NSString *version;
    - (instancetype _Nonnull)init NS_UNAVAILABLE;
    - (instancetype _Nonnull)initWithJSON:(NSDictionary *_Nonnull)json;
    + (instancetype _Nonnull)initWithJSON:(NSDictionary * _Nonnull)json;
    - (NSDictionary *_Nonnull)jsonDictionary;


    class Application : NSObject
  • Undocumented

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    @interface RGLAttribute : NSObject
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nonnull) NSString *type;
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nonnull) RGLRFIDValue *value;
    - (instancetype _Nonnull)init NS_UNAVAILABLE;
    - (instancetype _Nonnull)initWithJSON:(NSDictionary *_Nonnull)json;
    + (instancetype _Nonnull)initWithJSON:(NSDictionary * _Nonnull)json;
    - (NSDictionary *_Nonnull)jsonDictionary;


    class Attribute : NSObject
  • Undocumented

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    @interface RGLAuthenticityCheck : NSObject
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) RGLAuthenticity type;
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nonnull) NSString *typeName;
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) RGLCheckResult status;
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nullable) NSArray <RGLAuthenticityElement *> *elements;
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) NSInteger pageIndex;
    - (instancetype _Nonnull)initWithAuthenticity:(RGLAuthenticity)type elements:(NSArray <RGLAuthenticityElement *> *_Nullable)elements pageIndex:(NSInteger)pageIndex;
    - (instancetype _Nonnull)init NS_UNAVAILABLE;
    - (instancetype _Nonnull)initWithJSON:(NSDictionary *_Nonnull)json;
    + (instancetype _Nonnull)initWithJSON:(NSDictionary * _Nonnull)json;
    - (NSDictionary *_Nonnull)jsonDictionary;


    class AuthenticityCheck : NSObject
  • Undocumented

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    @interface RGLAuthenticityElement : NSObject
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) RGLCheckResult status;
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) RGLSecurityFeatureType elementType;
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nonnull) NSString *elementTypeName;
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) RGLCheckDiagnose elementDiagnose;
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nonnull) NSString *elementDiagnoseName;
    - (instancetype _Nonnull)initWithStatus:(RGLCheckResult)status elementType:(RGLSecurityFeatureType)elementType elementDiagnose:(RGLCheckDiagnose)elementDiagnose;
    - (instancetype _Nonnull)initWithJSON:(NSDictionary *_Nonnull)json;
    + (instancetype _Nonnull)initWithJSON:(NSDictionary * _Nonnull)json;
    - (NSDictionary *_Nonnull)jsonDictionary;


    class AuthenticityElement : NSObject
  • Undocumented

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    @interface RGLAuthenticityParams : NSObject
    /// This parameter is used to enable document liveness check.
    /// Type: Bool.
    @property(nullable, nonatomic, strong) NSNumber *useLivenessCheck;
    @property(nullable, nonatomic, strong) RGLLivenessParams *livenessParams;
    @property(nullable, nonatomic, strong) NSNumber *checkUVLuminiscence;
    @property(nullable, nonatomic, strong) NSNumber *checkIRB900;
    @property(nullable, nonatomic, strong) NSNumber *checkImagePatterns;
    @property(nullable, nonatomic, strong) NSNumber *checkFibers;
    @property(nullable, nonatomic, strong) NSNumber *checkExtMRZ;
    @property(nullable, nonatomic, strong) NSNumber *checkExtOCR;
    @property(nullable, nonatomic, strong) NSNumber *checkAxial;
    @property(nullable, nonatomic, strong) NSNumber *checkBarcodeFormat;
    @property(nullable, nonatomic, strong) NSNumber *checkIRVisibility;
    @property(nullable, nonatomic, strong) NSNumber *checkIPI;
    @property(nullable, nonatomic, strong) NSNumber *checkPhotoEmbedding;
    @property(nullable, nonatomic, strong) NSNumber *checkPhotoComparison;
    @property(nullable, nonatomic, strong) NSNumber *checkLetterScreen;
    + (instancetype)defaultParams;


    class AuthenticityParams : NSObject
  • Undocumented

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    @interface RGLAuthority : NSObject
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nonnull) NSArray <RGLAttribute *> *attributes;
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nonnull) NSString *data;
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nonnull) RGLRFIDValue *friendlyName;
    - (instancetype _Nonnull)init NS_UNAVAILABLE;
    - (instancetype _Nonnull)initWithJSON:(NSDictionary *_Nonnull)json;
    + (instancetype _Nonnull)initWithJSON:(NSDictionary * _Nonnull)json;
    - (NSDictionary *_Nonnull)jsonDictionary;


    class Authority : NSObject
  • Undocumented

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    @interface RGLBackendProcessingConfig : NSObject
    @property(nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSString *url;
    @property(nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSDictionary *httpHeaders;
    @property(nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSNumber *rfidServerSideChipVerification;


    class RGLBackendProcessingConfig : NSObject
  • Undocumented



    @interface RGLBarcodePosition : RGLPosition


    class BarcodePosition : Position
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    @interface RGLBaseConfig : NSObject
    @property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) RGLOnlineProcessingConfig *onlineProcessingConfig;
    /// Documents processing scenario.
    @property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSString *scenario;
    /// Live portrait photo.
    /// Requires network connection.
    @property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) UIImage *livePortrait;
    /// Portrait photo from an external source.
    /// Requires network connection.
    @property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) UIImage *extPortrait;
    - (instancetype)initWithScenario:(NSString *)scenario;
    - (instancetype)initWithOnlineProcessingConfig:(RGLOnlineProcessingConfig *)onlineProcessingConfig;
  • Undocumented

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    @interface RGLBaseReaderConfig : NSObject
    // Enables automatic license update check during `DocumentReader` initialization.
    /// Defaults to `true`.
    @property(readwrite, nonatomic, assign) BOOL licenseUpdateCheck;
    /// The path to the database file.
    @property(readwrite, nonatomic, copy, nullable) NSString *databasePath;
    /// Defines whether the `DocumentReader` delays loading of neural networks. Defaults to `false`.
    /// When set to `true` the initialization starts in the background thread after a completion block passed to the method
    /// `-[RGLDocReader initializeReaderWithConfig:completion:]` is called. If the document processing is initiated before all the networks are loaded,
    /// the `DocumentReader` will wait for it before starting the handling.
    /// When set to `false` the initialization is performed during `DocumentReader` initialization `-[RGLDocReader initializeReaderWithConfig:completion:]` method.
    @property(readwrite, nonatomic, assign, getter=isDelayedNNLoadEnabled) BOOL delayedNNLoadEnabled;
  • DocumentReader configuration object. For usage when the license is embedded in a Regula bluetooth device.

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    @interface RGLBleConfig : RGLBaseReaderConfig
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    @interface RGLBluetooth : NSObject
    /// Device name of connected periphery.
    @property (nonatomic, strong, readonly) NSString *deviceName;
    /// Indicates whether Redula device flash light is on.
    @property (nonatomic, assign, readonly) BOOL isFlashing;
    /// Battery level of connected device.
    @property (nonatomic, assign, readonly) NSUInteger batteryLevel;
    @property (nullable, nonatomic, strong, readonly) NSString *manufacturerName;
    @property (nullable, nonatomic, strong, readonly) NSString *modelNumber;
    @property (nullable, nonatomic, strong, readonly) NSString *serialNumber;
    @property (nullable, nonatomic, strong, readonly) NSString *hardwareRevision;
    @property (nullable, nonatomic, strong, readonly) NSString *firmwareRevision;
    @property (nullable, nonatomic, strong, readonly) NSString *softwareRevision;
    @property (nullable, nonatomic, strong, readonly) NSString *hardwareId;
    /// Connection state of connected Regula device
    @property (nonatomic, assign, readonly) RGLBluetoothConnectionState state;
    /// The delegate object that will receive `RGLBluetooth` events.
    @property (nullable, nonatomic, weak) id<RGLBluetoothDelegate> delegate;
    - (instancetype)init NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER;
    /// Flashes Regula device light.
    - (void)actionFlashOn;
    /// Starts to establish connection with Regula device.
    /// - Parameter deviceName: Name of the device
    - (void)connectWithDeviceName:(NSString *)deviceName;
    /// Starts to establish connection with Regula device.
    /// - Parameter periphery: Periphery instance
    - (void)connectPeriphery:(CBPeripheral *)periphery;
    /// Scans for all available Regula devices for a short period of time.
    /// Callbacks are available through `RGLBluetoothDelegate didFindDevice:bluetooth:device`
    - (void)startSearchDevices;
    /// Stops Regula devices scanning
    - (void)stopSearchDevices;
    /// Stops current connection.
    - (void)disconnect;
    /// Indicates whether Regula Device connected and available for usage
    - (BOOL)isPowerOn;


    class Bluetooth : NSObject
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    @interface RGLBytesData : NSObject
    @property(nonatomic, readonly, strong, nonnull) NSString *data;
    @property(nonatomic, readonly, assign) NSInteger length;
    @property(nonatomic, readonly, assign) NSInteger status;
    @property(nonatomic, readonly, assign) NSInteger type;


    class BytesData : NSObject
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    @interface RGLCardProperties : NSObject
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) NSInteger aTQA;
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nonnull) NSString *aTQB;
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nonnull) NSString *aTR;
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nonnull) NSString *baudrate1;
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nonnull) NSString *baudrate2;
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) NSInteger bitRateR;
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) NSInteger bitRateS;
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) NSInteger chipTypeA;
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) NSInteger mifareMemory;
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) NSInteger rfidType;
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) NSInteger sAK;
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) BOOL support4;
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) BOOL supportMifare;
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nonnull) NSString *uID;
    - (instancetype _Nonnull)init NS_UNAVAILABLE;
    - (instancetype _Nonnull)initWithJSON:(NSDictionary *_Nonnull)json;
    + (instancetype _Nonnull)initWithJSON:(NSDictionary * _Nonnull)json;
    - (NSDictionary *_Nonnull)jsonDictionary;


    class CardProperties : NSObject
  • Undocumented

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    @interface RGLCertificateChain : NSObject
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nonnull) NSArray <RGLExtension *> *extensions;
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nonnull) RGLRFIDValue *fileName;
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nonnull) RGLAuthority *issuer;
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nonnull) NSArray <NSNumber *> *notifications;
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) NSInteger origin;
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) double paStatus;
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nonnull) NSString *serialNumber;
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nonnull) NSString *signatureAlgorithm;
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nonnull) RGLAuthority *subject;
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nonnull) NSString *subjectPKAlgorithm;
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) RGLRFIDCertificateType type;
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nonnull) RGLValidity *validity;
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) NSInteger version;
    - (instancetype _Nonnull)init NS_UNAVAILABLE;
    - (instancetype _Nonnull)initWithJSON:(NSDictionary *_Nonnull)json;
    + (instancetype _Nonnull)initWithJSON:(NSDictionary * _Nonnull)json;
    - (NSDictionary *_Nonnull)jsonDictionary;


    class CertificateChain : NSObject
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    @interface RGLCertificateData : NSObject
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nonnull) NSString *data;
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) NSInteger length;
    - (instancetype _Nonnull)init NS_UNAVAILABLE;
    - (instancetype _Nonnull)initWithJSON:(NSDictionary *_Nonnull)json;
    + (instancetype _Nonnull)initWithJSON:(NSDictionary * _Nonnull)json;
    - (NSDictionary *_Nonnull)jsonDictionary;


    class CertificateData : NSObject
  • DocumentReader configuration object. Controls initialization time properties such as License and Database filepath.

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    @interface RGLConfig : RGLBaseReaderConfig
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    @interface RGLCornerView : UIView
    @property(nonatomic) CGFloat lineLength;
    @property(nonatomic) CGFloat lineWidth;
    @property(nonatomic) CGFloat cornerRadius;
    @property(nonatomic) CGLineCap lineCap;
    @property(nonatomic, strong) UIColor *lineColor;
    @property(nonatomic, assign) RGLCameraFrameShapeType shapeType;


    class CornerView : UIView
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    @interface RGLCustomization : NSObject
    /// If it's set to true, the animation showing how to position a document will be displayed. Default: false.
    @property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL showHelpAnimation;
    /// Allows you to set any UIImage for the help animation.
    @property(nonatomic, strong, nullable) UIImage *helpAnimationImage;
    /// If it's set to true, status messages during the document processing will be shown. Default: true.
    @property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL showStatusMessages;
    /// If it's set to true, result status messages during the document processing will be shown. Default: true.
    @property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL showResultStatusMessages;
    /// Allows you to set any NSString to the status.
    @property(nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSString *status;
    /// Allows you to set any NSString to the result status.
    @property(nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSString *resultStatus;
    /// Allows you to change the location of the status.
    /// For example, if you set the multiplier to 0.5 and the number of pixels by vertical is equal to 800, your message will be centralized and located at 200 px from the top,
    /// i.e. (800 / 2) * 0.5 = 200 px. If the multiplier is equal to 1, the message will be centered.
    /// If the multiplier is equal to zero, the default location will be used. Default: 0.
    @property(nonatomic, assign) CGFloat statusPositionMultiplier;
    /// Allows you to change the location of the result status.
    /// For example, if you set the multiplier to 0.5 and the number of pixels by vertical is equal to 800, your message will be centralized and located at 200 px from the top,
    /// i.e. (800 / 2) * 0.5 = 200 px. If the multiplier is equal to 1, the message will be centered.
    /// If the multiplier is equal to zero, the default location will be used. Default: 0.
    @property(nonatomic, assign) CGFloat resultStatusPositionMultiplier;
    /// Allows you to set a shape type for the camera frame. Default: RGLCameraFrameShapeTypeLine.
    @property(nonatomic, assign) RGLCameraFrameShapeType cameraFrameShapeType;
    /// Allows you to customize the beginning and ending of stroked lines of the camera frame. Default: kCGLineCapButt.
    @property(nonatomic, assign) CGLineCap cameraFrameLineCap;
    /// Allows you to set a background color for the camera preview (top and bottom frames). Default: UIColor.blackColor.
    @property(nonatomic, strong, nullable) UIColor *cameraPreviewBackgroundColor;
    /// Allows you to set a color for all visual elements.
    @property(nonatomic, strong, null_resettable) UIColor *tintColor;
    /// Allows you to set a color for the result status messages. Default: UIColor.whiteColor.
    @property(nonatomic, strong, null_resettable) UIColor *resultStatusTextColor;
    /// Allows you to set a font for the result status messages.
    @property(nonatomic, strong, null_resettable) UIFont *resultStatusTextFont;
    /// Allows you to set a color of the background for the result status messages.
    @property(nonatomic, strong, nullable) UIColor *resultStatusBackgroundColor;
    /// Allows you to set a color for the camera frame when a document is out of the camera frame or is not detected. Default: UIColor.whiteColor.
    @property(nonatomic, strong, null_resettable) UIColor *cameraFrameDefaultColor;
    /// Allows you to set a color for the camera frame when a document is detected. Default: UIColor.greenColor.
    @property(nonatomic, strong, null_resettable) UIColor *cameraFrameActiveColor;
    /// Allows you to set thickness of the camera frame borders. Default: 3.
    @property(nonatomic, assign) CGFloat cameraFrameBorderWidth;
    /// Allows you to set a color for the status messages. Default: UIColor.whiteColor.
    @property(nonatomic, strong, nullable) UIColor *statusTextColor;
    /// Allows you to set a font for the status messages.
    @property(nonatomic, strong, null_resettable) UIFont *statusTextFont;
    /// Allows you to set a background color for the status messages. Default: UIColor.clearColor.
    @property(nonatomic, strong, nullable) UIColor *statusBackgroundColor;
    /// Allows you to set a color for the activity indicator.
    @property(nonatomic, strong, nullable) UIColor *activityIndicatorColor;
    /// Allows you to set a color for the "Skip next page" button.
    @property(nonatomic, strong, nullable) UIColor *multipageButtonBackgroundColor;
    /// Allows you to set any UIImage for the multipage animation (front side).
    @property(nonatomic, strong, nullable) UIImage *multipageAnimationFrontImage;
    /// Allows you to set any UIImage for the multipage animation (back side).
    @property(nonatomic, strong, nullable) UIImage *multipageAnimationBackImage;
    /// Allows you to set length of the lines of the camera frame. It's applied once you change the "cameraFrameShapeType" property to "RGLCameraFrameShapeTypeCorners". Default: 25.
    @property(nonatomic, assign) CGFloat cameraFrameLineLength;
    /// Allows you to set an aspect ratio of the camera frame (portrait orientation). Default: 0.
    @property(nonatomic, assign) CGFloat cameraFramePortraitAspectRatio;
    /// Allows you to set an aspect ratio of the camera frame (landscape orientation). Default: 0.
    @property(nonatomic, assign) CGFloat cameraFrameLandscapeAspectRatio;
    /// Allows you to set an offset for the camera frame (portrait orientation). Default: 3.
    @property(nonatomic, assign) CGFloat cameraFrameOffsetWidth;
    /// If it's set to true, the animation asking for processing the next page will be displayed. Default: true.
    @property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL showNextPageAnimation;
    /// If it's set to true, the background mask next to the camera frame will be displayed. Default: true.
    @property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL showBackgroundMask;
    /// Allows you to set any UIImage within the camera frame.
    @property(nonatomic, strong, nullable) UIImage *borderBackgroundImage;
    /// Allows you to set intensity of the background mask. Default: 0.3.
    @property(nonatomic, assign) CGFloat backgroundMaskAlpha;
    /// Allows you to specify how a view of the help animation adjusts its content when its size changes. Default: UIViewContentModeScaleAspectFit.
    @property(nonatomic, assign) UIViewContentMode helpAnimationImageContentMode;
    /// Allows you to specify how a view of the multipage animation (front side) adjusts its content when its size changes. Default: UIViewContentModeScaleAspectFit.
    @property(nonatomic, assign) UIViewContentMode multipageAnimationFrontImageContentMode;
    /// Allows you to specify how a view of the multipage animation (back side) adjusts its content when its size changes. Default: UIViewContentModeScaleAspectFit.
    @property(nonatomic, assign) UIViewContentMode multipageAnimationBackImageContentMode;
    /// Allows you to specify how a view within the camera frame adjusts its content when its size changes. Default: UIViewContentModeScaleAspectFit.
    @property(nonatomic, assign) UIViewContentMode borderBackgroundImageContentMode;
    /// Allows you to change the location of the camera frame vertically.
    @property(nonatomic, assign) CGFloat cameraFrameVerticalPositionMultiplier;
    /// Allows you to change the location of the custom status.
    /// For example, if you set the multiplier to 0.5 and the number of pixels by vertical is equal to 800, your message will be centralized and located at 200 px from the top,
    /// i.e. (800 / 2) * 0.5 = 200 px. If the multiplier is equal to 1, the message will be centered.
    /// If the multiplier is equal to zero, the default location will be used. Default: 1.
    @property(nonatomic, assign) CGFloat customStatusPositionMultiplier;
    /// Allows you to create a custom status as NSAttributedString.
    @property(nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSAttributedString *customLabelStatus;
    /// Allows you to set a corner radius of the camera frame. Default: 10.
    @property(nonatomic, assign) CGFloat cameraFrameCornerRadius;
    /// Allows you to set any UIImage for the torch button when its state is ON.
    @property(nonatomic, strong, nullable) UIImage *torchButtonOnImage;
    /// Allows you to set any UIImage for the torch button when its state is OFF.
    @property(nonatomic, strong, nullable) UIImage *torchButtonOffImage;
    /// Allows you to set any UIImage for the close button.
    @property(nonatomic, strong, nullable) UIImage *closeButtonImage;
    /// Allows you to set any UIImage for the capture button.
    @property(nonatomic, strong, nullable) UIImage *captureButtonImage;
    /// Allows you to set any UIImage for the button that allows changing shapes of the camera (collapsed state).
    @property(nonatomic, strong, nullable) UIImage *changeFrameButtonCollapseImage;
    /// Allows you to set any UIImage for the button that allows changing shapes of the camera (expanded state).
    @property(nonatomic, strong, nullable) UIImage *changeFrameButtonExpandImage;
    /// Allows you to set any UIImage for the button that allows changing positions of the capture device.
    @property(nonatomic, strong, nullable) UIImage *cameraSwitchButtonImage;
    /// Allows you to set a size for the toolbar (it's where all buttons are located).
    @property(nonatomic, assign) CGFloat toolbarSize;
    /// Allows you to set any `UIImage` for the hologram animation.
    /// When set to `nil` the default image will be used.
    /// This property can be set during the scanning process to tailor the user experiese for different types of documents.
    @property(nonatomic, strong, nullable) UIImage *hologramAnimationImage RGL_DEPRECATED(7.1, "Use `livenessAnimationImage` instead.");
    /// Allows you to specify how a view of the help animation adjusts its content when its size changes.
    /// Defaults to `UIViewContentModeScaleAspectFit`.
    @property(nonatomic, assign) UIViewContentMode hologramAnimationImageContentMode RGL_DEPRECATED(7.1, "Use `livenessAnimationImageContentMode` instead.");
    /// Allows you to change the location of the hologram animation.
    /// For example, if you set the multiplier to 0.5 and the number of pixels by vertical is equal to 800,
    /// the animation will be centralized and located at 200 px from the top, i.e. (800 / 2) * 0.5 = 200 px.
    /// If the multiplier is set to 1, the animation will be centered.
    /// If the multiplier is set to 0, the default value will be used. Defaults to 1.
    @property(nonatomic, assign) CGFloat hologramAnimationPositionMultiplier RGL_DEPRECATED(7.1, "Use `livenessAnimationPositionMultiplier` instead.");
    /// Allows you to set any `UIImage` for the liveness animation.
    /// When set to `nil` the default image will be used.
    /// This property can be set during the scanning process to tailor the user experiese for different types of documents.
    @property(nonatomic, strong, nullable) UIImage *livenessAnimationImage;
    /// Allows you to specify how a view of the help animation adjusts its content when its size changes.
    /// Defaults to `UIViewContentModeScaleAspectFit`.
    @property(nonatomic, assign) UIViewContentMode livenessAnimationImageContentMode;
    /// Allows you to change the location of the liveness animation.
    /// For example, if you set the multiplier to 0.5 and the number of pixels by vertical is equal to 800,
    /// the animation will be centralized and located at 200 px from the top, i.e. (800 / 2) * 0.5 = 200 px.
    /// If the multiplier is set to 1, the animation will be centered.
    /// If the multiplier is set to 0, the default value will be used. Defaults to 1.
    @property(nonatomic, assign) CGFloat livenessAnimationPositionMultiplier;
    @property(nonatomic, strong, nullable) RGLUIConfiguration *uiConfiguration;
    @property(nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSDictionary *customUILayerJSON;
    @property(readwrite, nonatomic, weak, nullable) id<RGLCustomizationActionDelegate> actionDelegate;


    class Customization : NSObject
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    @interface RGLDataField : NSObject
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nonnull) NSString *data;
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) NSInteger fieldType;
    - (instancetype _Nonnull)init NS_UNAVAILABLE;
    - (instancetype _Nonnull)initWithJSON:(NSDictionary *_Nonnull)json;
    + (instancetype _Nonnull)initWithJSON:(NSDictionary * _Nonnull)json;
    - (NSDictionary *_Nonnull)jsonDictionary;


    class DataField : NSObject
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    @interface RGLDataGroup : NSObject
    @property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL dG1;
    @property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL dG2;
    @property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL dG3;
    @property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL dG4;
    @property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL dG5;
    @property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL dG6;
    @property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL dG7;
    @property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL dG8;
    @property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL dG9;
    @property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL dG10;
    @property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL dG11;
    @property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL dG12;
    @property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL dG13;
    @property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL dG14;
    - (instancetype _Nonnull)initWithJSON:(NSDictionary *_Nonnull)json;
    - (NSDictionary *_Nonnull)dataGroupsDictionary;
    + (instancetype _Nonnull)initWithJSON:(NSDictionary * _Nonnull)json;


    class DataGroup : NSObject
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    @interface RGLDocReader : NSObject
    @property(readonly, class, nonatomic, strong, nonnull) RGLDocReader *shared;
     Params that influence the scanning process
    @property(nonatomic, strong, nonnull) RGLProcessParams *processParams;
     Information about the SDK
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nullable) RGLDocReaderVersion *version;
     A list of scenarios that can be used for documents recognition based on your license and Core framework capabilities
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nonnull) NSArray<RGLScenario *> *availableScenarios;
     Allows you to check if Document Reader is ready for use
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly, getter=isDocumentReaderIsReady) BOOL documentReaderIsReady;
     Allows you to check if RFID chip reading can be performed based on your license and Core framework capabilities
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly, getter=isRFIDAvailableForUse) BOOL rfidAvailable;
     Allows you to check if you can use external Regula Bluetooth devices based on your license and Core framework capabilities
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly, getter=isAuthenticatorAvailableForUse) BOOL useAuthenticatorAvailable;
     An instance to control and listen Regula Bluetooth device events.
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nullable) RGLBluetooth *bluetooth;
     Allows you to pause the scanning process and resume it when it's needed
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readwrite, getter=isCameraSessionIsPaused) BOOL cameraSessionIsPaused;
     Allows you to get a status of Document Reader
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nonnull) NSString *documentReaderStatus;
     Allows you to get a status of the RFID chip reading process
    @property(nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSString *rfidSessionStatus;
     Information about your license
    @property(nonatomic, strong, nullable) RGLLicense *license;
    @property(nonatomic, weak, nullable) id <RGLDocReaderRFIDDelegate> rfidDelegate;
     Params that influence the scanning process, camera view controller customization and etc.
    @property(nonatomic, strong, nonnull) RGLFunctionality *functionality;
     Params that relate to the camera view controller customization and etc.
    @property(nonatomic, strong, nonnull) RGLCustomization *customization;
     Params that influence the RFID chip processing
    @property(nonatomic, strong, nonnull) RGLRFIDScenario *rfidScenario;
     Current Session identifier
    @property(nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSString *tag;
     Customer name
    @property(nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSString *tenant;
     Environment type
    @property(nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSString *env;
     It should be used when you add Document Reader SDK inside yours and do localization
    @property(nonatomic, strong) _Nullable Class localizationClassName;
    /// A localization hook to override default localization search logic.
    /// If this block is not set or the implementation of the block returns `nil` the default localization will be used.
    @property(readwrite, nonatomic, copy, nullable) RGLLocalizationHandler localizationHandler;
    @property(nonatomic, weak, nullable) id <RGLDocReaderDatabaseFetchDelegate> databaseFetchDelegate;
     Allows you to initialize Document Reader
     @param config A configuration file for DocumentReader initialization
     @param completion The block to execute after the initialization finishes
    - (void)initializeReaderWithConfig:(nonnull RGLBaseReaderConfig *)config
                            completion:(RGLDocumentReaderInitializationCompletion _Nonnull)completion NS_SWIFT_NAME(initializeReader(config:completion:));
     Allows you to to check database update
     @param databaseID An identifier of the database
     @param completion The block to execute after the check database update finishes
    - (void)checkDatabaseUpdate:(nonnull NSString *)databaseID
                     completion:(RGLDocumentReaderCheckUpdateCompletion _Nonnull)completion NS_SWIFT_NAME(checkDatabaseUpdate(databaseID:completion:));
     Allows you to download a database from the Regula server. If it exists in your app and compatible with the SDK, it won't be downloaded
     @param databaseID An identifier of the database
     @param progress Downloading progress
     @param completion The block to execute after the download finishes
    - (void)prepareDatabase:(nonnull NSString *)databaseID
            progressHandler:(void (^_Nullable)(NSProgress * _Nonnull progress))progress
                 completion:(RGLDocumentReaderPrepareCompletion _Nonnull)completion NS_SWIFT_NAME(prepareDatabase(databaseID:progressHandler:completion:));
     Allows you to download a database from the Regula server. If it exists in your app and compatible with the SDK, it won't be downloaded
     @param databaseID An identifier of the database
     @param completion The block to execute after the download finishes
    - (void)prepareDatabase:(nonnull NSString *)databaseID
                 completion:(RGLDocumentReaderPrepareCompletion _Nonnull)completion NS_SWIFT_NAME(prepareDatabase(databaseID:completion:));
     Allows you to download a database from the Regula server. Each new update of the database will be downloaded
     @param databaseID An identifier of the database
     @param progress Downloading progress
     @param completion The block to execute after the download finishes
    - (void)runAutoUpdate:(nonnull NSString *)databaseID
          progressHandler:(void (^_Nullable)(NSProgress * _Nonnull progress))progress
               completion:(RGLDocumentReaderPrepareCompletion _Nonnull)completion NS_SWIFT_NAME(runAutoUpdate(databaseID:progressHandler:completion:));
     Allows you to download a database from the Regula server. Each new update of the database will be downloaded
     @param databaseID An identifier of the database
     @param completion The block to execute after the download finishes
    - (void)runAutoUpdate:(nonnull NSString *)databaseID
               completion:(RGLDocumentReaderPrepareCompletion _Nonnull)completion NS_SWIFT_NAME(runAutoUpdate(databaseID:completion:));
    - (UIViewController * _Nullable)prepareCameraViewController:(RGLDocumentReaderCameraViewController *_Nullable)controller cameraHandler:(RGLDocumentReaderCompletion _Nonnull)completion NS_SWIFT_NAME(prepareCameraViewController(cameraViewController:cameraHandler:));
    - (UIViewController * _Nullable)prepareCameraViewController:(RGLDocumentReaderCompletion _Nonnull)completion NS_SWIFT_NAME(prepareCameraViewController(cameraHandler:));
     Allows you to remove the database from your app
     @param completion The block to execute after the removal finishes
    - (void)removeDatabase:(RGLDocumentReaderPrepareCompletion _Nullable)completion NS_SWIFT_NAME(removeDatabase(completion:));
     Allows you to cancel the database update
    - (void)cancelDBUpdate;
     It's used to start the processing of the next page of the document once the current one is processed
    - (void)startNewPage;
     It's used to start a scanning process
    - (void)startNewSession;
     It's used for single frame processing where input is UIImage with a crop operation if needed.
     @param config Recognition config
     @param completion The block to execute after the recognition process finishes
    - (void)recognizeImageFromPresenter:(UIViewController * _Nonnull)presenter
                                 config:(RGLRecognizeConfig * _Nonnull)config
                             completion:(RGLDocumentReaderCompletion _Nonnull)completion;
     It's used for multiple frames processing with RGLImageInput
     @param completion The block to execute after the recognition process finishes
    - (void)recognizeWithConfig:(RGLRecognizeConfig *)config
                     completion:(RGLDocumentReaderCompletion _Nonnull)completion NS_SWIFT_NAME(recognize(config:completion:));
     It's used for multiple frames processing when a stream of frames has to be processed
    @param completion The block to execute after the recognition process finishes
    - (void)recognizeVideoFrame:(UIImage *)frame
                     completion:(RGLDocumentReaderCompletion _Nonnull)completion NS_SWIFT_NAME(recognize(videoFrame:completion:));
     It's used for multiple frames processing which are captured from the camera
     @param presenter controller scanner shoud be presented from
     @param config scanning configuration
     @param completion The block to execute after the recognition process finishes
    - (void)showScannerFromPresenter:(UIViewController * _Nonnull)presenter
                              config:(RGLScannerConfig *)config
                          completion:(RGLDocumentReaderCompletion _Nonnull)completion NS_SWIFT_NAME(showScanner(presenter:config:completion:));
     It's used for the RFID chip processing
     @param completion The block to execute after the scanning process finishes
    - (void)startRFIDReaderFromPresenter:(UIViewController * _Nonnull)presenter
                              completion:(RGLDocumentReaderCompletion _Nonnull)completion;
     It's used for the RFID chip processing
     @param notificationCallback Notifications of the RFID chip processing
     @param completion The block to execute after the scanning process finishes
    - (void)readRFID:(RGLRFIDNotificationCallback _Nullable)notificationCallback completion:(RGLRFIDProcessCompletion _Nonnull)completion;
     It's used to stop the scanning process
     @param completion The block to execute after the scanning process finishes. This block has no return value and takes no parameters. You can specify nil for this parameter
    - (void)stopScanner:(void(^_Nullable)(void))completion;
     It's used to stop the RFID chip processing
     @param completion The block to execute after the RFID chip processing finishes. This block has no return value and takes no parameters. You can specify nil for this parameter
    - (void)stopRFIDReader:(void(^_Nullable)(void))completion;
     It's used to stop the RFID chip processing
     @param errorMessage The error message to display. You can specify nil for this parameter, to avoid display of error alert
     @param completion The block to execute after the RFID chip processing finishes. This block has no return value and takes no parameters. You can specify nil for this parameter
    - (void)stopRFIDReaderWithErrorMessage:(NSString * _Nullable)errorMessage completion:(void(^_Nullable)(void))completion NS_SWIFT_NAME(stopRFIDReader(errorMessage:completion:));
     It's used to pass certificates to Document Reader that will be used during the RFID chip processing
     @param certificates PKD certificates
    - (void)addPKDCertificates:(NSArray <RGLPKDCertificate *> * _Nonnull)certificates NS_SWIFT_NAME(addPKDCertificates(certificates:));
     It's used to remove certificates from your app that are used during the RFID chip processing
    - (void)clearPKDCertificates;
    /// Sets the given `TCCParams` to the RFID  session. The parameters are required to be set before starting RFID session.
    /// @param params TCC related parameters.
    /// @param completion Completion block of the operation. The block is executed on the main thread.
    - (void)setTCCParams:(RGLTCCParams *)params completion:(void (^_Nullable)(BOOL success, NSError * _Nullable error))completion;
    - (RGLScenario * _Nullable)selectedScenario;
    - (void)finalizePackageWithCompletion:(nonnull RGLDocumentReaderFinalizePackageCompletion)completion;
     It's used to deinitialize Document Reader and free up RAM as a consequence of this
    - (void)deinitializeReader;


    class DocReader : NSObject
  • Interface contains properties to get the information about the database

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    @interface RGLDocReaderDocumentsDatabase : NSObject


    class DocReaderDocumentsDatabase : NSObject
  • Interface contains properties to get the information about the SDK

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    @interface RGLDocReaderVersion : NSObject


    class DocReaderVersion : NSObject
  • Undocumented



    @interface RGLDocumentPosition : RGLPosition


    class DocumentPosition : Position
  • Undocumented

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    @interface RGLDocumentReaderAuthenticityResult : NSObject
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) RGLCheckResult status;
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nullable) NSArray <RGLAuthenticityCheck *> *checks;
    - (instancetype _Nonnull)init NS_UNAVAILABLE;
    - (instancetype _Nonnull)initWithAuthenticityChecks:(NSArray <RGLAuthenticityCheck *> *_Nullable)checks;
    - (instancetype _Nonnull)initWithJSON:(NSDictionary *_Nonnull)json;
    + (instancetype _Nonnull)initWithJSON:(NSDictionary * _Nonnull)json;
    - (NSDictionary *_Nonnull)jsonDictionary;


    class DocumentReaderAuthenticityResult : NSObject
  • Undocumented

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    @interface RGLDocumentReaderBarcodeField : NSObject
     Decoded barcode type
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) RGLBarcodeType barcodeType;
     Indicates barcode reading result
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) RGLBarcodeResult status;
     Contains the information about the PDF417 barcode
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nullable) RGLPDF417Info *pdf417Info;
     Results of reading data from barcode modules
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nonnull) NSData *data;
     Indicates an index of the document page, whence the result is received
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) NSInteger pageIndex;
    - (instancetype _Nonnull)init NS_UNAVAILABLE;
    - (instancetype _Nonnull)initWithJSON:(NSDictionary *_Nonnull)json;
    + (instancetype _Nonnull)initWithJSON:(NSDictionary * _Nonnull)json;
    - (NSDictionary *_Nonnull)jsonDictionary;


    class DocumentReaderBarcodeField : NSObject
  • Undocumented

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    @interface RGLDocumentReaderBarcodeResult : NSObject
     Barcode fields
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nullable) NSArray <RGLDocumentReaderBarcodeField *> *fields;
    - (instancetype _Nonnull)init NS_UNAVAILABLE;
    - (instancetype _Nonnull)initWithFields:(NSArray <RGLDocumentReaderBarcodeField *> *_Nonnull)fields;
    - (instancetype _Nonnull)initWithJSON:(NSDictionary *_Nonnull)json;
    + (instancetype _Nonnull)initWithJSON:(NSDictionary * _Nonnull)json;
    - (NSDictionary *_Nonnull)jsonDictionary;


    class DocumentReaderBarcodeResult : NSObject
  • Undocumented

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    @interface RGLDocumentReaderCameraViewController : UIViewController
    @property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL resultStatusLocked;
    @property(readonly, nonatomic, assign) AVCaptureDevicePosition cameraPosition;
    @property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL showHelpPopup;
    @property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL helpAnimationShowed;
    @property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL showResultMessages;
    @property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL showStatusMessages;
    @property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL recognizeWasInterrupted;
    @property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL skipNextPageRecognition;
    @property(nonatomic, assign) double motionRate;
    @property(nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSString *cameraStatusString;
    @property(nonatomic, strong, nullable) RGLDocumentReaderResults *latestResult;
    @property (nonatomic, getter=isCameraControllerPresentedModally) BOOL cameraControllerPresentedModally;
    @property(nonatomic, strong, nullable) RGLPreviewView *previewView;
    @property(nonatomic, strong, nullable) UIButton *closeButton;
    @property(nonatomic, strong, nullable) UIButton *flashButton;
    @property(nonatomic, strong, nullable) UIButton *swapCameraButton;
    @property(nonatomic, strong, nullable) UIButton *bleButton;
    @property(nonatomic, strong, nullable) UIButton *batteryButton;
    @property(nonatomic, strong, nullable) UILabel *statusLabel;
    @property(nonatomic, strong, nullable) UIView *statusView;
    @property(nonatomic, strong, nullable) UIButton *captureButton;
    @property(nonatomic, strong, nullable) UIButton *skipMultipageButton;
    @property(nonatomic, strong, nullable) UILabel *resultStatusLabel;
    @property(nonatomic, strong, nullable) UIView *resultStatusView;
    @property(nonatomic, strong, nullable) UIButton *frameSizeButton;
    @property(nonatomic, strong, nullable) RGLMaskView *maskView;
    @property(nonatomic, strong, nullable) UILabel *logoLabel;
    @property(nonatomic, strong, nullable) UIImageView *logoImage;
    @property(nonatomic, strong, nullable) RGLCornerView *borderView;
    @property(nonatomic, strong, nullable) UIView *focusView;
    @property(nonatomic, strong, nullable) UILabel *cameraUnavailableLabel;
    @property(nonatomic, strong, nullable) RGLActivityIndicator *activityIndicator;
    @property(nonatomic, strong, nullable) RGLDocumentView *multipageScaningView;
    @property(nonatomic, strong, nullable) RGLDocumentView *helpAnimationView;
    @property(nonatomic, strong, nullable) UIImageView *borderPlaceholderImage;
    @property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL barcodeEnabled;
    @property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL faceEnabled;
    @property(nonatomic, assign) RGLCameraScanMode cameraScanMode;
    @property(nonatomic, strong, nullable) UILabel *customLabel;
    @property(nonatomic, weak, nullable) id<RGLDocumentReaderCameraViewControllerDelegate> cameraViewControllerDelegate;
    @property(nonatomic, strong, nullable) RGLCameraViewControllerHandler cameraViewControllerHandler;
    @property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL recognitionIsActive;
    @property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL showChangeFrameButton;
    @property(nonatomic, assign) RGLDocReaderFrame currentCameraFrame;
    - (void)closeTapped:(UIButton *)button;
    - (void)flashTapped:(UIButton *)button;
    - (void)swapTapped:(UIButton *)button;
    - (void)captureButtonTapped:(UIButton *)button;
    - (void)skipMultipageTapped:(UIButton *)button;
    - (void)changeFrameTapped:(UIButton *)button;
    - (void)processParamChanged;
    - (void)setHiddenForFlashButton:(BOOL)isHidden;
    - (void)setHiddenForCloseButton:(BOOL)isHidden;
    - (void)setHiddenForCaptureButton:(BOOL)isHidden;
    - (void)setHiddenForSwapCameraButton:(BOOL)isHidden;
    - (void)setVideoSessionPreset:(AVCaptureSessionPreset )sessionPreset;
    - (void)setVideoZoomFactor:(CGFloat)videoZoomFactor;
    - (void)setAVCaptureDevicePosition:(AVCaptureDevicePosition)cameraPosition;
    - (void)enableProcessingUI:(BOOL)enable;
    - (void)notifyCameraPreviewBackgroundColorChanged;
    - (void)notifyTintColorChanged;
    - (void)notifyResultStatusTextColorChanged;
    - (void)notifyResultStatusTextFontChanged;
    - (void)notifyCameraFrameDefaultColorChanged;
    - (void)notifyCameraFrameActiveColorChanged;
    - (void)notifyStatusTextColorChanged;
    - (void)notifyStatusTextFontChanged;
    - (void)notifyStatusBackgroundColorChanged;
    - (void)notifyShowStatusMessagesChanged;
    - (void)notifyShowResultStatusMessagesChanged;
    - (void)notifyCameraStatusChanged;
    - (void)notifyCameraResultStatusChanged;
    - (void)notifyCameraFrameShapeTypeChanged;
    - (void)notifyMultipageButtonBackgroundColorChanged;
    - (void)notifyCameraFrameBorderWidthChanged;
    - (void)notifyActivityIndicatorColorChanged;
    - (void)notifyResultStatusBackgroundColorChanged;
    - (void)notifyCameraFrameLineLengthChanged;
    - (void)notifyCameraFrameOffsetWidthChanged;
    - (void)notifyShowBackgroundMaskChanged;
    - (void)notifyBorderBackgroundImageChanged;
    - (void)notifyBackgroundMaskAlphaChanged;
    - (void)notifyMultipageAnimationFrontImageContentModeChanged;
    - (void)notifyMultipageAnimationBackImageContentModeChanged;
    - (void)notifyBorderBackgroundImageContentModeChanged;
    - (void)notifyMultipageAnimationFrontImageChanged;
    - (void)notifyMultipageAnimationBackImageChanged;
    - (void)notifyCustomLabelStatusChanged;
    - (void)notifyLivenessAnimationImageChanged;
    - (void)notifyLivenessAnimationImageContentModeChanged;
    - (void)notifyCustomUILayerJSONChanged;
    - (void)closeCameraViewController:(void(^_Nullable)(void))completion;


    class DocumentReaderCameraViewController : UIViewController
  • Undocumented

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    @interface RGLDocumentReaderComparison : NSObject
    The value's origin source
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) RGLResultType sourceTypeLeft;
    The value's origin source
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) RGLResultType sourceTypeRight;
     The status of field comparisons
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) RGLCheckResult status;
    - (instancetype _Nonnull)init NS_UNAVAILABLE;
    - (instancetype _Nonnull)initWithJSON:(NSDictionary *_Nonnull)json sourceList:(NSDictionary *_Nonnull)sourceList;
    + (instancetype _Nonnull)initWithJSON:(NSDictionary * _Nonnull)json sourceList:(NSDictionary *_Nonnull)sourceList;;
    - (NSDictionary *_Nonnull)jsonDictionary;


    class DocumentReaderComparison : NSObject
  • Undocumented

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    @interface RGLDocumentReaderDocumentType : NSObject
     Document type name
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nullable) NSString *name;
     Document type numeric code
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) NSInteger documentID;
     Document issuing country ICAO code
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nullable) NSString *ICAOCode;
     An array of IRS document identifiers
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nonnull) NSArray<NSNumber *> *FDSID;
     Document type, one of RGLDiDocType enumeration values
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) RGLDiDocType dType;
     Document format, one of RGLDocFormat enumeration values
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) RGLDocFormat dFormat;
     Flag for MRZ presence on a document
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) BOOL dMRZ;
     Document deprecation.
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) BOOL isDeprecated;
     Document description text
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nullable) NSString *dDescription;
     Document issue year
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nullable) NSString *dYear;
     Document issuing country name
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nullable) NSString *dCountryName;
     An index of the document page whence results are received
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) NSInteger pageIndex;
    - (instancetype _Nonnull)initWithJSON:(NSDictionary *_Nonnull)json;
    + (instancetype _Nonnull)initWithJSON:(NSDictionary * _Nonnull)json;
    - (NSDictionary *_Nonnull)jsonDictionary;


    class DocumentReaderDocumentType : NSObject
  • Undocumented

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    @interface RGLDocumentReaderGraphicField : NSObject
     Identifies zone whence data is extracted
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) RGLResultType sourceType;
     Graphic field logical type, one of RGLGraphicFieldType values
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) RGLGraphicFieldType fieldType;
     Graphic field symbolic name
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nonnull) NSString *fieldName;
     Field area coordinates on the general image
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) CGRect boundRect;
     An image
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nonnull) UIImage *value;
     Light type, one of RGLGraphicFieldLight values
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) RGLGraphicFieldLight lightType;
     Light symbolic name
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nonnull) NSString *lightName;
     An index of the document page whence the graphic field is extracted
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) NSInteger pageIndex;
     Original page index
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) NSInteger originalPageIndex;
    - (instancetype _Nonnull)init NS_UNAVAILABLE;
    - (instancetype _Nonnull)initWithSourceType:(RGLResultType)sourceType fieldType:(RGLGraphicFieldType)fieldType boundRect:(CGRect)boundRect value:(UIImage *_Nonnull)value light:(RGLGraphicFieldLight) light pageIndex:(NSInteger)pageIndex originalPageIndex:(NSInteger)originalPageIndex;
    - (instancetype _Nonnull)initWithFieldType:(RGLGraphicFieldType)fieldType valueJSON:(NSDictionary *_Nullable)json;
    - (instancetype _Nonnull)initWithJSON:(NSDictionary *_Nonnull)json;
    + (instancetype _Nonnull)initWithJSON:(NSDictionary * _Nonnull)json;
    - (NSDictionary *_Nonnull)jsonDictionary;
    + (NSString *_Nullable)graphicFieldTypeName:(RGLGraphicFieldType)graphicFieldType;
    + (NSString *_Nullable)graphicFieldLightName:(RGLGraphicFieldLight)graphicFieldLight;


    class DocumentReaderGraphicField : NSObject
  • Undocumented

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    @interface RGLDocumentReaderGraphicResult : NSObject
     An array of graphic results
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nonnull) NSArray <RGLDocumentReaderGraphicField *> *fields;
    - (instancetype _Nonnull)init NS_UNAVAILABLE;
    - (instancetype _Nonnull)initWithFields:(NSArray <RGLDocumentReaderGraphicField *> *_Nonnull)fields;
    - (instancetype _Nonnull)initWithJSON:(NSDictionary *_Nonnull)json;
    + (instancetype _Nonnull)initWithJSON:(NSDictionary * _Nonnull)json;
    - (NSDictionary *_Nonnull)jsonDictionary;


    class DocumentReaderGraphicResult : NSObject
  • Undocumented

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    @interface RGLDocumentReaderJsonResultGroup : NSObject
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) RGLResultType resultType;
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) NSInteger lightType;
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) NSInteger pageIdx;
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nonnull) NSString *jsonResult;
    - (instancetype _Nonnull)init NS_UNAVAILABLE;
    - (instancetype _Nonnull)initWithJSON:(NSDictionary *_Nonnull)json;
    + (instancetype _Nonnull)initWithJSON:(NSDictionary * _Nonnull)json;
    - (NSDictionary *_Nonnull)jsonDictionary;


    class DocumentReaderJsonResultGroup : NSObject
  • Undocumented

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    @interface RGLDocumentReaderResults : NSObject
    /// Document type results
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nullable) NSArray <RGLDocumentReaderDocumentType *> *documentType;
    /// Textual results
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nonnull) RGLDocumentReaderTextResult *textResult;
    /// Graphic results
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nonnull) RGLDocumentReaderGraphicResult *graphicResult;
    /// Position of a document
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nullable) NSArray <RGLDocumentPosition *> *documentPosition;
    /// Position of a barcode
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nullable) NSArray <RGLBarcodePosition *> *barcodePosition;
    /// Position of MRZ
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nullable) NSArray <RGLMrzPosition *> *mrzPosition;
    /// Image quality results
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nullable) NSArray <RGLImageQualityGroup *> *imageQualityGroup;
    /// Status information for each operation.
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nonnull) RGLDocumentReaderResultsStatus *status;
    /// Authenticity results
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nullable) RGLDocumentReaderAuthenticityResult *authenticityResults;
    /// RFID session data
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nullable) RGLRFIDSessionData *rfidSessionData;
    /// Indicates which page of the document contains an RFID chip (0 if there's no page containing it).
    /// Requires document type recognition, otherwise 1 by default
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) NSInteger chipPage;
    /// Barcode results
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nonnull) RGLDocumentReaderBarcodeResult *barcodeResult;
    /// Visible Digital Seal data.
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nullable) RGLVDSNCData *vdsncData;
    /// Document processing finish status, one of RGLProcessingFinishedStatus values
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) RGLProcessingFinishedStatus processingFinishedStatus;
    /// Indicates how many pages of a document remains to process. Requires Document Type recognition, otherwise 0 by default
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) NSInteger morePagesAvailable;
    /// Indicates how much time has been required for document processing, milliseconds
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) NSInteger elapsedTime;
    /// Indicates how much time has been required for RFID chip processing, milliseconds
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) NSInteger elapsedTimeRFID;
    /// Raw results, i.e. in their initial view
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nonnull) NSString *rawResult;
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nullable) RGLTransactionInfo *transactionInfo;
    - (nonnull instancetype)initWithDocumentTypes:(nullable NSArray<RGLDocumentReaderDocumentType *> *)documentType
                                       textResult:(nullable RGLDocumentReaderTextResult *)textResult
                                    graphicResult:(nonnull RGLDocumentReaderGraphicResult *)graphicResult
                                        rawResult:(nullable NSString *)rawResult
                                 documentPosition:(nullable NSArray<RGLDocumentPosition *> *)documentPosition
                                  barcodePosition:(nullable NSArray<RGLBarcodePosition *> *)barcodePosition
                                      mrzPosition:(nullable NSArray<RGLMrzPosition *> *)mrzPosition
                                imageQualityGroup:(nullable NSArray<RGLImageQualityGroup *> *)imageQualityGroup
                              authenticityResults:(nullable RGLDocumentReaderAuthenticityResult *)authenticityResults
                                  rfidSessionData:(nullable RGLRFIDSessionData *)rfidSessionData
                                    barcodeResult:(nullable RGLDocumentReaderBarcodeResult *)barcodeResult
                                        vdsncData:(nullable RGLVDSNCData *)vdsncData
                                           status:(nonnull RGLDocumentReaderResultsStatus *)status
                                  transactionInfo:(nullable RGLTransactionInfo *)transactionInfo;
    - (instancetype _Nonnull)initWithJSON:(NSDictionary *_Nonnull)json;
    - (instancetype _Nonnull)initWithRawJSON:(NSString *_Nonnull)rawString;
    - (nonnull NSDictionary *)jsonDictionary;
    - (BOOL)isResultsEmpty;
     Allows you to get a value of a text field based on LCID, a source type and its originality
     @param fieldType Field type, one of RGLFieldType values
     @param lcid LCID, one of RGLLCID values
     @param source Source type, one of RGLResultType values
     @param original Originality
    - (NSString *_Nullable)getTextFieldValueByType:(RGLFieldType)fieldType lcid:(RGLLCID)lcid source:(RGLResultType)source original:(BOOL)original NS_SWIFT_NAME(getTextFieldValueByType(fieldType:lcid:source:original:));
     Allows you to get a value of a text field based on LCID and a source type
     @param fieldType Field type, one of RGLFieldType values
     @param lcid LCID, one of RGLLCID values
     @param source Source type, one of RGLResultType values
    - (NSString *_Nullable)getTextFieldValueByType:(RGLFieldType)fieldType lcid:(RGLLCID)lcid source:(RGLResultType)source NS_SWIFT_NAME(getTextFieldValueByType(fieldType:lcid:source:));
     Allows you to get a value of a text field based on LCID
     @param fieldType Field type, one of RGLFieldType values
     @param lcid LCID, one of RGLLCID values
    - (NSString *_Nullable)getTextFieldValueByType:(RGLFieldType)fieldType lcid:(RGLLCID)lcid NS_SWIFT_NAME(getTextFieldValueByType(fieldType:lcid:));
     Allows you to get a value of a text field
     @param fieldType Field type, one of RGLFieldType values
    - (NSString *_Nullable)getTextFieldValueByType:(RGLFieldType)fieldType NS_SWIFT_NAME(getTextFieldValueByType(fieldType:));
     Allows you to get a value of a text field based on a source type
     @param fieldType Field type, one of RGLFieldType values
     @param source Source type, one of RGLResultType values
    - (NSString *_Nullable)getTextFieldValueByType:(RGLFieldType)fieldType source:(RGLResultType)source NS_SWIFT_NAME(getTextFieldValueByType(fieldType:source:));
     Allows you to get a value of a text field based on a source type and its originality
     @param fieldType Field type, one of RGLFieldType values
     @param source Source type, one of RGLResultType values
     @param original Originality
    - (NSString *_Nullable)getTextFieldValueByType:(RGLFieldType)fieldType source:(RGLResultType)source original:(BOOL)original NS_SWIFT_NAME(getTextFieldValueByType(fieldType:source:original:));
     Allows you to get a value of a text field based on its originality
     @param fieldType Field type, one of RGLFieldType values
     @param original Originality
    - (NSString *_Nullable)getTextFieldValueByType:(RGLFieldType)fieldType original:(BOOL)original NS_SWIFT_NAME(getTextFieldValueByType(fieldType:original:));
     Allows you to get an instance of a text field
     @param fieldType Field type, one of RGLFieldType values
    - (RGLDocumentReaderTextField *_Nullable)getTextFieldByType:(RGLFieldType)fieldType NS_SWIFT_NAME(getTextFieldByType(fieldType:));
     Allows you to get an instance of a text field based on LCID
     @param fieldType Field type, one of RGLFieldType values
     @param lcid LCID, one of RGLLCID values
    - (RGLDocumentReaderTextField *_Nullable)getTextFieldByType:(RGLFieldType)fieldType lcid:(RGLLCID)lcid NS_SWIFT_NAME(getTextFieldByType(fieldType:lcid:));
     Allows you to get an image of a graphic field based on a source type, page index and light type
     @param fieldType Field type, one of RGLGraphicFieldType values
     @param source Source type, one of RGLResultType values
     @param pageIndex An index of the document page
     @param light Light type, one of RGLGraphicFieldLight values
    - (UIImage *_Nullable)getGraphicFieldImageByType:(RGLGraphicFieldType)fieldType source:(RGLResultType)source pageIndex:(NSInteger)pageIndex light:(RGLGraphicFieldLight)light NS_SWIFT_NAME(getGraphicFieldImageByType(fieldType:source:pageIndex:light:));
     Allows you to get an image of a graphic field based on a source type and page index
     @param fieldType Field type, one of RGLGraphicFieldType values
     @param source Source type, one of RGLResultType values
     @param pageIndex An index of the document page
    - (UIImage *_Nullable)getGraphicFieldImageByType:(RGLGraphicFieldType)fieldType source:(RGLResultType)source pageIndex:(NSInteger)pageIndex NS_SWIFT_NAME(getGraphicFieldImageByType(fieldType:source:pageIndex:));
     Allows you to get an image of a graphic field based on a source type and page index
     @param fieldType Field type, one of RGLGraphicFieldType values
     @param source Source type, one of RGLResultType values
    - (UIImage *_Nullable)getGraphicFieldImageByType:(RGLGraphicFieldType)fieldType source:(RGLResultType)source NS_SWIFT_NAME(getGraphicFieldImageByType(fieldType:source:));
     Allows you to get an image of a graphic field
     @param fieldType Field type, one of RGLGraphicFieldType values
    - (UIImage *_Nullable)getGraphicFieldImageByType:(RGLGraphicFieldType)fieldType NS_SWIFT_NAME(getGraphicFieldImageByType(fieldType:));
     Allows you to get an instance of a graphic field based on a source type, page index and light type
     @param fieldType Field type, one of RGLGraphicFieldType values
     @param source Source type, one of RGLResultType values
     @param pageIndex An index of the document page
     @param light Light type, one of RGLGraphicFieldLight values
    - (RGLDocumentReaderGraphicField *_Nullable)getGraphicFieldByType:(RGLGraphicFieldType)fieldType source:(RGLResultType)source pageIndex:(NSInteger)pageIndex light:(RGLGraphicFieldLight)light NS_SWIFT_NAME(getGraphicFieldByType(fieldType:source:pageIndex:light:));
     Allows you to get an instance of a graphic field based on a source type and page index
     @param fieldType Field type, one of RGLGraphicFieldType values
     @param source Source type, one of RGLResultType values
     @param pageIndex An index of the document page
    - (RGLDocumentReaderGraphicField *_Nullable)getGraphicFieldByType:(RGLGraphicFieldType)fieldType source:(RGLResultType)source pageIndex:(NSInteger)pageIndex NS_SWIFT_NAME(getGraphicFieldByType(fieldType:source:pageIndex:));
     Allows you to get an instance of a graphic field based on a source type
     @param fieldType Field type, one of RGLGraphicFieldType values
     @param source Source type, one of RGLResultType values
    - (RGLDocumentReaderGraphicField *_Nullable)getGraphicFieldByType:(RGLGraphicFieldType)fieldType source:(RGLResultType)source NS_SWIFT_NAME(getGraphicFieldByType(fieldType:source:));
     Allows you to get an instance of a graphic field
     @param fieldType Field type, one of RGLGraphicFieldType values
    - (RGLDocumentReaderGraphicField *_Nullable)getGraphicFieldByType:(RGLGraphicFieldType)fieldType NS_SWIFT_NAME(getGraphicFieldByType(fieldType:));
     Method returns containers by result type. If result type doesn't exist, the result of the search will be null.
     @param resultTypes array of result type specified in  `RGLResultType` raw values.
     @return get original containers from rawResult value in NSString format including information about the transaction.
    - (NSString *_Nullable)getContainersByResultTypes:(NSArray<NSNumber *> *_Nonnull)resultTypes NS_SWIFT_NAME(getContainers(byResultTypes:));
     Method returns only containers for `RGLResultTypeRFIDSession`, `RGLResultTypeEncryptedRCL` and `RGLResultTypeLicense` values
     from `RGLResultType` enum. For more details, see `getContainersByResultTypes` method.
     @return Get all encrypted containers from rawResult to reprocess data on the server side.
    - (NSString *_Nullable)getEncryptedContainers NS_SWIFT_NAME(getEncryptedContainers());
    + (nonnull instancetype)initWithJSON:(nonnull NSDictionary *)json;
    + (nonnull instancetype)initWithRawString:(nonnull NSString *)rawString;


    class DocumentReaderResults : NSObject
  • Provision of document verification status

    See more



    @interface RGLDocumentReaderResultsStatus : NSObject
  • Undocumented

    See more



    @interface RGLDocumentReaderRfidOrigin: NSObject
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) NSInteger dg;
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) NSInteger dgTag;
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) NSInteger entryView;
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) NSInteger tagEntry;
    - (instancetype)init NS_UNAVAILABLE;
    - (instancetype)initWithJSON:(NSDictionary *)json;
    + (instancetype)initWithJSON:(NSDictionary *)json;
    - (NSDictionary *)jsonDictionary;


    class DocumentReaderRfidOrigin : NSObject
  • Undocumented

    See more



    @interface RGLDocumentReaderSymbol : NSObject
     * ASCII code of symbol
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) NSInteger code;
     * bounds result of the particular value
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) CGRect rect;
     * symbol recognition probability (0–100, %)
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) NSInteger probability;
    - (instancetype)init NS_UNAVAILABLE;
    - (instancetype)initWithJSON:(NSDictionary *)json;
    + (instancetype)initWithJSON:(NSDictionary *)json;
    - (NSDictionary *)jsonDictionary;


    class DocumentReaderSymbol : NSObject
  • Undocumented

    See more



    @interface RGLDocumentReaderTextField : NSObject
     Textual field logical type, one of RGLFieldType values
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) RGLFieldType fieldType;
     Textual field symbolic name
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nonnull) NSString *fieldName;
     ID of language-culture to differentiate one field of the same type from another (for example Belarus Passport Page # 31 – Belarusian and Russian fields of the same type), one of RGLLCID values
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) RGLLCID lcid;
    @property(nonnull, nonatomic, strong, readonly) NSString *lcidName;
     * value from the field
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nonnull) NSString *value;
     An array of values
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nonnull) NSArray <RGLDocumentReaderValue *> *values;
     Textual field check result, one of RGLCheckResult values
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) RGLCheckResult status;
     List of all comparison statuses for this field type
    @property(nonnull, nonatomic, strong, readonly) NSArray <RGLDocumentReaderComparison *> *comparisonList;
     List of all  validity statuses for this field type
    @property(nonnull, nonatomic, strong, readonly) NSArray<RGLDocumentReaderValidity *> *validityList;
     Comparison result of the field
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) RGLCheckResult comparisonStatus;
     Validity result of the field
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) RGLCheckResult validityStatus;
    - (RGLDocumentReaderValue *_Nullable)getValue;
    - (instancetype _Nonnull)init NS_UNAVAILABLE;
    - (instancetype _Nonnull)initWithFieldType:(RGLFieldType)fieldType;
    - (instancetype _Nonnull)initWithFieldType:(RGLFieldType)fieldType lcid:(RGLLCID)lcid;
    - (instancetype _Nonnull)initWithJSON:(NSDictionary *_Nonnull)json sourceList:(NSDictionary *_Nonnull)sourceList;;
    + (instancetype _Nonnull)initWithJSON:(NSDictionary * _Nonnull)json sourceList:(NSDictionary *_Nonnull)sourceList;;
    - (NSDictionary *_Nonnull)jsonDictionary;
    + (NSString *_Nonnull)fieldTypeName:(RGLFieldType) fieldType;
    + (NSString *_Nonnull)lcidName:(RGLLCID) lcid;


    class DocumentReaderTextField : NSObject
  • Undocumented

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    @interface RGLDocumentReaderTextResult : NSObject
     An array of textual results
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nonnull) NSArray <RGLDocumentReaderTextField *> *fields;
     Textual fields check result, one of RGLCheckResult values
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) RGLCheckResult status;
     List of all available origin source
     with overall validity status of all text fields of a particular source type
    @property(nonnull, nonatomic, strong, readonly) NSArray <RGLDocumentReaderTextSource *> *availableSourceList;
     Comparison status of all text fields
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) RGLCheckResult comparisonStatus;
     Validity status of all text fields
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) RGLCheckResult validityStatus;
    - (instancetype _Nonnull)init NS_UNAVAILABLE;
    - (instancetype _Nonnull)initWithJSON:(NSDictionary *_Nonnull)json;
    + (instancetype _Nonnull)initWithJSON:(NSDictionary * _Nonnull)json;
    - (NSDictionary *_Nonnull)jsonDictionary;
    - (void)sortByFieldType:(BOOL)desc;


    class DocumentReaderTextResult : NSObject
  • Undocumented

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    @interface RGLDocumentReaderTextSource : NSObject
     The value's origin source
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) RGLResultType sourceType;
     The value's origin source string description
    @property(nonnull, nonatomic, strong, readonly) NSString *source;
     Overall validity status of all text fields of this source type
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) RGLCheckResult validityStatus;
    - (instancetype _Nonnull)init NS_UNAVAILABLE;
    - (instancetype _Nonnull)initWithJSON:(NSDictionary *_Nonnull)json;
    + (instancetype _Nonnull)initWithJSON:(NSDictionary * _Nonnull)json;
    - (NSDictionary *_Nonnull)jsonDictionary;


    class DocumentReaderTextSource : NSObject
  • Undocumented

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    @interface RGLDocumentReaderValidity: NSObject
     The value's origin source
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) RGLResultType sourceType;
     Overall validity status of all text fields of this particular field
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) RGLCheckResult status;
    - (instancetype _Nonnull)init NS_UNAVAILABLE;
    - (instancetype _Nonnull)initWithJSON:(NSDictionary *_Nonnull)json sourceList:(NSDictionary *_Nonnull)sourceList;
    + (instancetype _Nonnull)initWithJSON:(NSDictionary * _Nonnull)json sourceList:(NSDictionary *_Nonnull)sourceList;
    - (NSDictionary *_Nonnull)jsonDictionary;


    class DocumentReaderValidity : NSObject
  • Undocumented

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    @interface RGLDocumentReaderValue : NSObject
     * current text field
    @property(nullable, nonatomic, readonly, assign) RGLDocumentReaderTextField *field;
     Identifies zone whence data is extracted, one of RGLResultType values
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) RGLResultType sourceType;
     A value
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nonnull) NSString *value;
     An original value
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nonnull) NSString *originalValue;
     Field rectangular area coordinates on the image
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) CGRect boundRect;
     RFID origin data.
     Only for the 'RFID' source
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nullable) RGLDocumentReaderRfidOrigin *rfidOrigin;
     An index of the document page whence the textual field is extracted
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) NSInteger pageIndex;
     Textual field recognition probability (0 - 100, %)
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) NSInteger probability;
     * list of all symbols for this value
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly) NSArray <RGLDocumentReaderSymbol *> *originalSymbols;
    - (instancetype _Nonnull)init NS_UNAVAILABLE;
    - (instancetype _Nonnull)initWithJSON:(NSDictionary *_Nonnull)json
                                    field:(RGLDocumentReaderTextField *)field;
    + (instancetype _Nonnull)initWithJSON:(NSDictionary * _Nonnull)json
                                    field:(RGLDocumentReaderTextField *)field;
    - (NSDictionary *_Nonnull)jsonDictionary;


    class DocumentReaderValue : NSObject
  • Undocumented

    See more



    @interface RGLDocumentView : UIImageView
    @property(nonatomic, weak, nullable) id<RGLDocumentViewDataSource> dataSource;
    @property(nonatomic, strong) UIImage * _Nullable helpAnimationImage;
    @property(nonatomic, strong) UIImage * _Nullable multipageFrontAnimationImage;
    @property(nonatomic, strong) UIImage * _Nullable multipageBackAnimationImage;
    @property(nonatomic, assign) UIViewContentMode helpAnimationImageContentMode;
    @property(nonatomic, assign) UIViewContentMode multipageAnimationFrontImageContentMode;
    @property(nonatomic, assign) UIViewContentMode multipageAnimationBackImageContentMode;
    @property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL useFlipMultipageAnimation;
    - (instancetype _Nonnull)initWithStartPosition:(RGLDocumentViewPosition)position;
    - (void)startHelpAnimationWithCompletion:(RGLCompletion _Nullable)completion;
    - (void)changePositionToDocumentViewPosition:(RGLDocumentViewPosition)documentPosition;
    - (void)nextPageAnimationStart;


    class DocumentView : UIImageView
  • Undocumented

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    @interface RGLElementRect : NSObject
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) NSInteger bottom;
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) NSInteger left;
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) NSInteger right;
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) NSInteger top;
    - (instancetype _Nonnull)initWithLeft:(NSInteger)left top:(NSInteger)top right:(NSInteger)right bottom:(NSInteger)bottom;
    - (instancetype _Nonnull)initWithJSON:(NSDictionary *_Nonnull)json;
    + (instancetype _Nonnull)initWithJSON:(NSDictionary * _Nonnull)json;
    - (NSDictionary *_Nonnull)jsonDictionary;


    class ElementRect : NSObject
  • Undocumented

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    @interface RGLExtension : NSObject
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nonnull) NSString *data;
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nonnull) NSString *type;
    - (instancetype _Nonnull)init NS_UNAVAILABLE;
    - (instancetype _Nonnull)initWithJSON:(NSDictionary *_Nonnull)json;
    + (instancetype _Nonnull)initWithJSON:(NSDictionary * _Nonnull)json;
    - (NSDictionary *_Nonnull)jsonDictionary;


    class Extension : NSObject
  • Undocumented

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    @interface RGLFaceAPIParams : NSObject
    /// The URL of the Regula Face SDK service instance to be used. Default: "".
    @property(nonatomic, strong) NSString *url;
    /// The processing mode: "match" or "match+search". Default: "match".
    @property(nonatomic, strong) NSString *mode;
    /// The similarity threshold, 0-100. Above 75 means that the faces' similarity is verified, below 75 is not. Default: 75.
    @property(nonatomic, strong) NSNumber *threshold;
    /// A search filter that can be applied if the "match+search" mode is enabled.
    @property(nonatomic, strong, nullable) RGLFaceAPISearchParams *searchParams;
    /// The service request timeout, ms. Default: 3000.
    @property(nonatomic, strong) NSNumber *serviceTimeout;
    /// Proxy to use, should be set according to the cURL standart.
    @property(nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSString *proxy;
    /// Username and password to use for proxy authentication, should be set according to the cURL standart.
    @property(nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSString *proxyPassword;
    /// Proxy protocol type, should be set according to the cURL standart.
    @property(nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSNumber *proxyType;
    - (instancetype)init RGL_DEPRECATED(7.1, "Use `[RGLFaceAPIParams defaultParams]` instead");
    + (instancetype)defaultParams;


    class FaceAPIParams : NSObject
  • Undocumented

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    @interface RGLFaceAPISearchParams : NSObject
    /// The number of returned Persons limit. Default: 100.
    @property(nonatomic, strong) NSNumber *limit;
    /// The similarity distance threshold, should be between 0.0 and 2.0, where 0.0 is for returning results for only the most similar persons
    /// and 2.0 is for all the persons, even the dissimilar ones. If not set, the default 1.0 value is used. Default: 1.0
    @property(nonatomic, strong) NSNumber *threshold;
    /// The IDs of the groups in which the search is performed.
    @property(nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSArray<NSNumber *> *groupIDs;


    class RGLFaceAPISearchParams : NSObject
  • Undocumented

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    @interface RGLFile : NSObject
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nonnull) RGLFileData *fileData;
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nonnull) NSString *fileID;
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nonnull) NSArray <NSNumber *> *notifications;
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) RGLRFIDErrorCodes pAStatus;
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) RGLRFIDErrorCodes readingStatus;
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) NSInteger readingTime;
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) RGLRFIDDataFileType type;
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nonnull) NSString *typeName;
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nonnull) NSArray <NSNumber *> *docFieldsText;
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nonnull) NSArray <NSNumber *> *docFieldsGraphics;
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nonnull) NSArray <NSNumber *> *docFieldsOriginals;
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nonnull) RGLSecurityObjectCertificates *certificates;
    - (instancetype _Nonnull)init NS_UNAVAILABLE;
    - (instancetype _Nonnull)initWithJSON:(NSDictionary *_Nonnull)json;
    + (instancetype _Nonnull)initWithJSON:(NSDictionary * _Nonnull)json;
    - (NSDictionary *_Nonnull)jsonDictionary;


    class File : NSObject
  • Undocumented

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    @interface RGLFileData : NSObject
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nonnull) NSString *data;
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) NSInteger length;
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) double status;
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) NSInteger type;
    - (instancetype _Nonnull)init NS_UNAVAILABLE;
    - (instancetype _Nonnull)initWithJSON:(NSDictionary *_Nonnull)json;
    + (instancetype _Nonnull)initWithJSON:(NSDictionary * _Nonnull)json;
    - (NSDictionary *_Nonnull)jsonDictionary;


    class FileData : NSObject
  • Undocumented

    See more



    @interface RGLFunctionality : NSObject
    @property(nonatomic, weak, nullable) RGLDocumentReaderCameraViewController *cameraViewController;
     Set this setting to override the default cropping frame on the camera view controller provided by scenarios. Default: RGLDocReaderFrameScenarioDefault.
    @property(nonatomic, assign) RGLDocReaderFrame cameraFrame;
     If it's set to true, the button that allows you to turn on/off the torch will be displayed. Default: true.
    @property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL showTorchButton;
     If it's set to true, the button that allows you to close the camera view controller will be displayed. Default: true.
    @property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL showCloseButton;
     If it's set to true, the button that allows you to take a picture and process it as a single frame will be displayed. Default: false.
    @property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL showCaptureButton;
     If it's set to true, the button that allows you to change the camera frame type will be displayed. Default: false.
    @property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL showChangeFrameButton;
     If it's set to true, the button that allows you to change a position of a capture device for the video session will be displayed. Default: false.
    @property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL showCameraSwitchButton;
     If it's set to true, the button that allows you to skip processing of the next page of a document will be displayed. Default: true.
    @property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL showSkipNextPageButton;
     If it's set to true, camera frames won't be taken for recognition while a camera is focusing. Default: true.
    @property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL skipFocusingFrames;
     Allows you to specify the frame resolution.
    @property(nonatomic, strong, nullable) AVCaptureSessionPreset videoSessionPreset;
     If it's set to true, camera frames won't be taken for recognition while a device is moving based on motion sensors. Default: true.
    @property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL videoCaptureMotionControl;
     Allows you to specify an orientation of the camera view controller. Default: UIInterfaceOrientationMaskAllButUpsideDown.
    @property(nonatomic, assign) UIInterfaceOrientationMask orientation;
     If it's set to true, once the scanning process is finished, the camera view controller will be dismissed. Default: true.
    @property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL singleResult;
     Allows you to specify a position of a capture device for the video session. Default: AVCaptureDevicePositionUnspecified.
    @property(nonatomic, assign) AVCaptureDevicePosition cameraPosition;
     Allows you to specify a name of a Regula device that will be used with Document Reader SDK.
    @property(nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSString *btDeviceName RGL_DEPRECATED(6.2, "Use `RGLBluetooth` to control device connection instead.");
     If it's set to true, allows you to connect to the external Regula Bluetooth devices like Regula 1120 and others.
    @property(nonatomic, assign, getter=isUseAuthenticator) BOOL useAuthenticator;
     Allows you to specify a time interval when the Capture button has to be displayed after the document is detected. Don't forget to set the "showCaptureButton" to true, otherwise, it won't be displayed. Default: 5.
    @property(nonatomic, assign) NSTimeInterval showCaptureButtonDelayFromDetect;
     Allows you to specify a time interval when the Capture button has to be displayed after the scanning process is started. Don't forget to set the "showCaptureButton" to true, otherwise, it won't be displayed. Default: 10.
    @property(nonatomic, assign) NSTimeInterval showCaptureButtonDelayFromStart;
     Allows you to specify the video processing mode. Default: RGLCaptureModeAuto.
    @property(nonatomic, assign) RGLCaptureMode captureMode;
     If it's set to true, the metadata will be displayed over the camera preview during document processing, namely the perspective angle value. Default: false.
    @property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL showMetadataInfo;
     If it's set to true, allows you to adjust a zoom level using the pinch gesture (its range is from 1x to 10x). Default: false.
    @property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL isZoomEnabled;
     Allows you to set the desired zoom level (its range from 1x to 10x). Default: 1.0.
    @property(nonatomic, assign) CGFloat zoomFactor;
    @property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL recordScanningProcess;
    @property(nonatomic, weak, nullable) id<RGLRecordScanningProcessDelegate> recordScanningProcessDelegate;
     If it's set to true, scanner operate in manual multipage scanning mode. Set this flag to true, if you wanna create for example, custom logic (or UI) between scanning document pages. Default: false.
    @property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL manualMultipageMode;
     Sets a limit on the number of pages to be processed
    @property(nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSNumber *forcePagesCount;
    @property(nonatomic, strong, nullable) RGLOnlineProcessingConfig *onlineProcessingConfig;
    @property(nonatomic, strong, nullable) RGLRecordingTimestampConfig *recordingTimestampConfig;
     The settings used for encoding the media appended to the output. See AVVideoSettings.h for AVMediaTypeVideo for more information on how to construct an output settings dictionary.
    @property(nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *videoOutputSettings;


    class Functionality : NSObject
  • Undocumented

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    @interface RGLGlaresCheckParams : NSObject
    /// Part of margin from the edges of the image that is ignored by glares check.
    /// Type: Double.
    /// Example: value 0.07 is 7% of image area is ignored .
    @property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSNumber *imgMarginPart;
    /// The maximum allowable part of glared area.
    /// Type: Double.
    /// Example: value 0.1 is 10% allowed.
    @property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSNumber *maxGlaringPart;
  • Undocumented

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    @interface RGLIdentResult : RGLAuthenticityElement
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nullable) UIImage *etalonImage;
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nullable) UIImage *image;
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) NSInteger percentValue;
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) NSInteger lightIndex;
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nonnull) RGLElementRect *area;
    - (instancetype _Nonnull)initWithEtalonImage:(nullable UIImage *)etalonImage
                                           image:(nullable UIImage *)image
                                            area:(nonnull RGLElementRect *)area


    class IdentResult : AuthenticityElement
  • Undocumented

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    @interface RGLImageInput : NSObject
     An image
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nonnull) UIImage *image;
     Light type, one of RGLGraphicFieldLight values
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) RGLGraphicFieldLight lightType;
     An index of the document page whence the graphic field is extracted
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) NSInteger pageIndex;
    - (instancetype)initWithImage:(UIImage *)image light:(RGLGraphicFieldLight)light pageIndex:(NSInteger)pageIndex;
  • Interface contains properties to configure image quality

    See more



    @interface RGLImageQA : NSObject


    class ImageQA : NSObject
  • Undocumented

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    @interface RGLImageQuality : NSObject
     Check result type, one of RGLImageQualityCheckType values
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly, nonnull) RGLImageQualityCheckType type;
     Check result, one of RGLCheckResult values
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) RGLCheckResult result;
     Check result, one of RGLSecurityFeatureType values
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) RGLSecurityFeatureType featureType;
     Coordinates of glares
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nonnull) NSArray<NSValue *> *boundRects; //CGRect array
    - (instancetype _Nonnull)init NS_UNAVAILABLE;
    - (instancetype _Nonnull)initWithJSON:(NSDictionary *_Nonnull)json;
    + (instancetype _Nonnull)initWithJSON:(NSDictionary * _Nonnull)json;
    - (NSDictionary *_Nonnull)jsonDictionary;


    class ImageQuality : NSObject
  • Undocumented

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    @interface RGLImageQualityGroup : NSObject
     Number of results
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) NSInteger count;
     Overall check result for document page, one of RGLCheckResult values
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) RGLCheckResult result;
     An array of single check result pointers
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nonnull) NSArray <RGLImageQuality *> *imageQualityList;
     Index of the document page, whence the result is received
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) NSInteger pageIndex;
    - (instancetype)init NS_UNAVAILABLE;
    - (RGLCheckResult)getQualityResultWithType:(RGLImageQualityCheckType)type;
    - (instancetype)initWithJSON:(NSDictionary *)json;
    + (instancetype)initWithJSON:(NSDictionary *)json;
    - (NSDictionary *)jsonDictionary;


    class ImageQualityGroup : NSObject
  • Undocumented

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    @interface RGLInitializationResponse : NSObject
    typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, RGLLicensingResult) {
      RGLLicensingResultOK                        =   0,
      RGLLicensingResultLicenseAbsentOrCorrupted  =   1,
      RGLLicensingResultInvalidDate               =   2,
      RGLLicensingResultInvalidVersion            =   3,
      RGLLicensingResultInvalidDeviceID           =   4,
      RGLLicensingResultInvalidSystemOrAppID      =   5,
      RGLLicensingResultNoCapabilities            =   6,
      RGLLicensingResultNoAuthenticity            =   7,
      RGLLicensingResultNoDatabase                =   10,
      RGLLicensingResultDatabaseIncorrect         =   11
    @property (nonatomic, assign, readonly) BOOL status;
    @property (nonatomic, strong, readonly) NSString *message;
    @property (nonatomic, assign, readonly) BOOL showLogo;
    @property (nonatomic, assign, readonly) BOOL rfidAvailable;
    @property (nonatomic, strong, readonly) NSError *error;
    - (instancetype)initWithJSON:(NSDictionary *)json;
    + (instancetype)initWithJSON:(NSDictionary *)json;


    class InitializationResponse : NSObject
  • Interface contains properties to get the information about the license

    See more



    @interface RGLLicense : NSObject


    class License : NSObject
  • Undocumented

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    @interface RGLLivenessParams : NSObject
    @property(nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSNumber *checkOVI;
    @property(nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSNumber *checkMLI;
    @property(nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSNumber *checkHolo;
    @property(nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSNumber *checkED;
    + (instancetype)defaultParams;


    class LivenessParams : NSObject
  • Undocumented

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    @interface RGLMaskView : UIView
    - (instancetype _Nonnull)initWithOffset:(CGFloat)offset
    @property(nonatomic, weak, nullable) id<RGLMaskViewDataSource> dataSource;
    @property(nonatomic, strong) CAShapeLayer* _Nullable maskLayer;
    @property(nonatomic) CGFloat offset;
    @property(nonatomic) CGFloat cornerRadius;
    @property(nonatomic) CGFloat lineWidth;
    @property(nonatomic) RGLCameraFrameShapeType frameShapeType;


    class MaskView : UIView
  • Undocumented



    @interface RGLMrzPosition : RGLPosition


    class MrzPosition : Position
  • Undocumented

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    @interface RGLOCRSecurityTextCheck : RGLAuthenticityElement
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) NSInteger reserved1;
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) NSInteger reserved2;
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) NSInteger lightType;
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) RGLFieldType fieldType;
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nonnull) RGLElementRect *elementRect;
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nonnull) RGLElementRect *etalonFieldRect;
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nonnull) NSString *securityTextResultOCR;
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nonnull) NSString *etalonResultOCR;


    class OCRSecurityTextCheck : AuthenticityElement
  • Undocumented

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    @interface RGLOnlineProcessingConfig : NSObject
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) RGLOnlineProcessingMode mode;
    @property(nonatomic, strong, nullable) RGLProcessParams *processParams;
    @property(nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSString *serviceURL;
    @property(nonatomic, assign) RGLOnlineProcessingImageFormat imageFormat;
    @property(nonatomic, assign) CGFloat imageCompressionQuality;
    /// Delegate that responds to request intercepting events.
    /// Use the delegate to modify `URLRequest` requests before they are send to the web service.
    @property(nonatomic, weak, nullable) id<RGLURLRequestInterceptingDelegate> requestInterceptingDelegate;
    - (instancetype)init NS_UNAVAILABLE;
    + (instancetype)new NS_UNAVAILABLE;
    - (instancetype)initWithMode:(RGLOnlineProcessingMode)mode;
  • Container for an optical related scanning statuses.

    See more



    @interface RGLOpticalStatus : NSObject


    class OpticalStatus : NSObject
  • Undocumented

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    @interface RGLPAAttribute : NSObject
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nullable) NSString *value;
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nullable) NSString *type;
    - (instancetype _Nonnull)init NS_UNAVAILABLE;
    - (instancetype _Nonnull)initWithJSON:(NSDictionary *_Nonnull)json;
    + (instancetype _Nonnull)initWithJSON:(NSDictionary * _Nonnull)json;


    class PAAttribute : NSObject
  • Undocumented

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    @interface RGLPAResourcesIssuer : NSObject
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nullable) NSData *data;
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nullable) NSString *friendlyName;
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nullable) NSArray <RGLPAAttribute*> *attributes;
    - (instancetype _Nonnull)init NS_UNAVAILABLE;
    - (instancetype _Nonnull)initWithJSON:(NSDictionary *_Nonnull)json;
    + (instancetype _Nonnull)initWithJSON:(NSDictionary * _Nonnull)json;


    class PAResourcesIssuer : NSObject
  • Undocumented

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    @interface RGLPDF417Info : NSObject
     Barcode error correction level
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) NSInteger errorLevel;
     Number of columns in a barcode
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) NSInteger columns;
     Number of rows in a barcode
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) NSInteger rows;
    - (instancetype _Nonnull)init NS_UNAVAILABLE;
    - (instancetype _Nonnull)initWithJSON:(NSDictionary *_Nonnull)json;
    + (instancetype _Nonnull)initWithJSON:(NSDictionary * _Nonnull)json;
    - (NSDictionary *_Nonnull)jsonDictionary;


    class PDF417Info : NSObject
  • Undocumented

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    @interface RGLPKDCertificate : NSObject
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nonnull) NSData *binaryData;
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) RGLPKDResourceType resourceType;
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nullable) NSData *privateKey;
    - (instancetype _Nonnull)initWithBinaryData:(NSData * _Nonnull)binaryData
                                     privateKey:(NSData *_Nullable)privateKey;


    class PKDCertificate : NSObject
  • Undocumented

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    @interface RGLPhotoIdentResult : RGLAuthenticityElement
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nonnull) RGLElementRect *area;
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) RGLGraphicFieldLight lightIndex;
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) NSInteger reserved1;
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) NSInteger reserved2;
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) NSInteger reserved3;
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) RGLCheckResult result;
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nonnull) NSArray <UIImage *> *resultImages;
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nonnull) NSArray <UIImage *> *sourceImage;


    class PhotoIdentResult : AuthenticityElement
  • Undocumented

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    @interface RGLPosition : NSObject
     Document width and height
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) CGSize size;
     Document center coordinates
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) CGPoint center;
     Document left top corner coordinates
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) CGPoint leftTop;
     Document left bottom corner coordinates
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) CGPoint leftBottom;
     Document right top corner coordinates
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) CGPoint rightTop;
     Document right bottom corner coordinates
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) CGPoint rightBottom;
     Document rotation angle
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) double angle;
     Internal use parameter
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) double perspectiveTr;
     Internal use parameter
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) double objArea;
     Internal use parameter
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) double objIntAngleDev;
     Internal use parameter
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) RGLCheckResult resultStatus;
     Document format
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) RGLDocFormat docFormat;
     Index of the document page, whence the result is received
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) NSInteger pageIndex;
     Resolution in dots per inch
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) NSInteger dpi;
     Internal use parameter
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) NSInteger inverse;
    - (instancetype _Nonnull)init NS_UNAVAILABLE;
    - (instancetype _Nonnull)initWithJSON:(NSDictionary *_Nonnull)json;
    + (instancetype _Nonnull)initWithJSON:(NSDictionary * _Nonnull)json;
    - (NSDictionary *_Nonnull)jsonDictionary;
    + (NSDictionary *_Nonnull)dictionaryFromPoint:(CGPoint)point;


    class Position : NSObject
  • Undocumented

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    @interface RGLPreviewView : UIView
    @property(readonly, nonatomic, strong, nullable) RGLCCameraPreviewView *contentView;
    @property(readonly, nonatomic, strong, nullable) AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer *previewLayer;
    @property(readonly, nonatomic, strong, nullable) AVCaptureSession *session;
    - (void)showCaptureEffect;
    - (void)setCameraPreviewView:(RGLCCameraPreviewView *)view;


    class PreviewView : UIView
  • Undocumented

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    @interface RGLProcessParams : NSObject
    /// Documents processing scenario.
    @property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSString *scenario;
    /// Documents processing scenario for the Capture button.
    @property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSString *captureButtonScenario;
    /// If set to `true`, the DocumentReader logs will be shown in the console.
    /// Type: Bool.
    @property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSNumber *logs;
    // Sets the level of logs detalization when used together with `log` parameter.
    @property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) RGLLogLevel logLevel;
    /// If set to `true`, processing of more than one page of the document (if they exist) will be triggered, otherwise, only one page will be processed.
    /// Type: Bool.
    @property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSNumber *multipageProcessing;
    /// If set to `true`, document focus check will be omitted.
    /// Type: Bool.
    @property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSNumber *disableFocusingCheck;
    /// Change the format string of displayed dates in the results. Mask examples: `dd/mm/yyyy`, `mm/dd/yyyy`, `dd-mm-yyyy`, `mm-dd-yyyy`, `dd/mm/yy`.
    /// Set to `nil` to revert default value.
    /// Default: depends on the device's locale.
    @property (nonatomic, strong, null_resettable) NSString *dateFormat;
    /// Takes the list of the document IDs to process. All documents will be processed if it's empty.
    /// Type: Array of Integer.
    @property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSArray<NSNumber *> *documentIDList;
    /// The path to the logs folder of the last session.
    @property (readonly, nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSString *sessionLogFolder;
    /// If you recognize the MRZ of documents, all fields will be extracted.
    /// If you recognize the Visual zone of documents, you can set the list of field types that you wish to extract, other fields will be skipped during processing.
    /// All fields will be extracted if it is empty.
    /// Type: Array of `RGLFieldType` enum.
    @property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSArray<NSNumber *> *fieldTypesFilter;
    /// Set types of barcodes that you wish to recognize. All barcodes will be recognized if it's empty.
    /// Type: Array of `RGLBarcodeType` enum.
    @property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSArray<NSNumber *> *barcodeTypes;
    /// Measure system of fields' values that are presented in results.
    /// Default: If the country code is `US` or `LR` or `MM`, the `Imperial` system of measurement, otherwise, the `Metric`.
    @property (nonatomic, assign) RGLMeasureSystem measureSystem;
    /// If set to `true`, an original (uncropped) image will be received, which is sent for recognition.
    /// Type: Bool.
    @property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSNumber *returnUncroppedImage;
    /// If set to `true`, an image with cropped barcode will be returned.
    /// Type: Bool.
    @property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSNumber *returnCroppedBarcode;
    /// If set to `true`, allows to process up to two pages of the document (so-called "a double-page spread")
    /// for one-shot if they are presented on the frame (image).
    /// Type: Bool.
    @property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSNumber *doublePageSpread;
    /// There are documents that contain barcodes which data can be parsed only if document type verification is performed.
    /// The following property allows setting the barcode parser type which should be used during recognition.
    /// It allows parsing barcode data without performing document type verification.
    /// Type: Integer.
    @property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSNumber *barcodeParserType;
    /// Allows you to set the time limit for document recognition (in seconds), beyond which the recognition does not continue regardless of its result.
    /// The countdown starts from the moment the scenario starts.
    /// Setting value to `0` means infinity.
    /// Type: `NSTimeInterval`.
    @property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSNumber *timeout;
    /// Allows you to set the time limit for document recognition (in seconds), beyond which the recognition does not continue regardless of its result.
    /// The countdown starts from the moment the document is detected.
    /// Setting value to `0` means infinity.
    /// Type: `NSTimeInterval`.
    @property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSNumber *timeoutFromFirstDetect;
    /// Allows you to set the time limit for document recognition (in seconds), beyond which the recognition does not continue regardless of its result.
    /// The countdown starts from the moment the document type is recognized.
    /// Setting value to `0` means infinity.
    /// Type: `NSTimeInterval`.
    @property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSNumber *timeoutFromFirstDocType;
    /// Start the countdown from the moment the document liveness authenticity check is started (in seconds)
    /// Setting value to `0` means infinity.
    /// Type: `NSTimeInterval`.
    @property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSNumber *timeoutLiveness;
    /// Allows to build an integral image, taking into account the quality of fixation of each of the individual images.
    /// Type: Bool.
    @property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSNumber *integralImage;
    /// Allows you to set the minimum acceptable DPI value of the camera frame that is passed for recognition.
    /// Camera frames the DPI of which are less than you set won't be passed for recognition.
    /// Type: Integer.
    @property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSNumber *minDPI;
    /// Allows you to set the maximum value of the deviation of the corners of the document from the value of `90` degrees.
    /// Type: Integer.
    @property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSNumber *perspectiveAngle;
    /// If set to `true`, allows you to manually set the document's bounds after it is detected.
    /// Type: Bool.
    @property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSNumber *manualCrop;
    /// If set to `true`, a document's holograms presence will be checked.
    /// Type: Bool.
    @property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSNumber *checkHologram RGL_DEPRECATED(7.1, "Use `authenticityParams.checkLiveness` instead.");
    /// If set to `true`, personal information will be removed from logs.
    /// Type: Bool.
    @property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSNumber *depersonalizeLog;
    /// If set to `true`, in case required fields are not read, their values will be empty.
    /// Type: Bool.
    @property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSNumber *checkRequiredTextFields;
    /// Types of results to return in response. See 'RGLResultType' enum for available options.
    /// Type: Array of `RGLResultType` enum.
    @property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSArray<NSNumber *> *resultTypeOutput;
    /// When enabled together with `doublePageSpread` and there is a passport with two pages spread in the image,
    /// pages will be cropped, straightened and aligned together, as if the document was captured on a flatbed scanner.
    /// Type: Bool.
    @property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSNumber *generateDoublePageSpreadImage;
    /// This option controls maximum resolution in dpi of output images.
    /// Resolution will remain original in case `0` is set.
    /// Type: Integer.
    @property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSNumber *imageDpiOutMax;
    /// This option can be set to `true` if you know for sure that the image you provide contains
    /// already cropped document by its edges. This was designed to process on the
    /// server side images captured and cropped on mobile.
    /// Type: Bool.
    @property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSNumber *alreadyCropped;
    /// Force use of specific template ID and skip document type identification step.
    /// Type: Integer.
    @property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSNumber *forceDocID;
    /// When disabled, text field OCR will be done as is and then the recognized value will be
    /// matched to the field mask for validity. If enabled, we are trying to read a field value with maximum efforts
    /// to match the mask and provide a correctly formatted value, making assumptions based on the provided field mask
    /// in the template.
    /// Type: Bool.
    @property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSNumber *matchTextFieldMask;
    /// When enabled, shorten the list of candidates to process during document detection in
    /// single image process mode. Reduces processing time for specific
    /// Type: Bool.
    @property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSNumber *fastDocDetect RGL_DEPRECATED(7.1, "Deprecated property.");
    /// When enabled, fail OCR field validity, if there is a glare over the text field on the image.
    /// Type: Bool.
    @property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSNumber *updateOCRValidityByGlare;
    /// When enabled no graphic fields will be cropped from document image.
    /// Type: Bool.
    @property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSNumber *noGraphics;
    /// Controls properties of ImageQA checks. See `RGLImageQA` for more information.
    @property (nonatomic, strong, nonnull) RGLImageQA *imageQA;
    /// Force use of specified document format when locating and recognizing document to reduce the number of candidates.
    /// Type: `RGLDocFormat` enum.
    @property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSNumber *forceDocFormat;
    /// Specifies minimal area of the image that document should cover to be treated as candidate when locating.
    /// Value should be in range from `0` to `1`, where `1` is when document should fully cover the image.
    /// Type: Float.
    @property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSNumber *documentAreaMin;
    /// This option allows locating and cropping multiple documents from one image if enabled.
    /// Type: Bool.
    @property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSNumber *multiDocOnImage;
    /// This option allows shifting the date of expiry into the future or past for number of months specified.
    /// This is useful, for example, in some cases when document might be still valid for some period after original expiration date
    /// to prevent negative validity status for such documents.
    /// Or by shifting the date to the past will set negative validity for the documents that is about to expire in a specified number of months.
    /// Type: Integer.
    @property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSNumber *shiftExpiryDate;
    /// This options allows specifying the minimal age in years of the document holder for the document to be considered valid.
    /// Type: Integer.
    @property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSNumber *minimalHolderAge;
    /// This option allows limiting MRZ formats to be recognized by specifying them in array.
    /// Type: Array of `RGLMRZFormat` enum.
    @property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSArray<NSNumber *> *mrzFormatsFilter;
    /// This option can be set to `true` to make sure that in series processing MRZ is located fully inside the result document image, if present on the document.
    /// Enabling this option may add extra processing time, by disabling optimizations, but allows more stability in output image quality.
    /// Type: Bool.
    @property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSNumber *forceReadMrzBeforeLocate;
    /// Takes JSON with parameters that are not presented in the DocumentReader.
    @property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSDictionary *customParams;
    /// When set to `false`, the Barcode code parsing will be skipped and the raw information from the code will be returned instead.
    /// Type: Bool.
    @property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSNumber *parseBarcodes;
    /// When set to `true`, the `rawResults` property of the `RGLDocumentReaderResults` will contain the encrypted containers
    /// of scanning results that may be used for later reprocessing.
    /// Type: Bool.
    @property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSNumber *shouldReturnPackageForReprocess;
    /// When enabled, OCR of perforated fields in the document template will not be performed.
    /// Type: Bool.
    @property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSNumber *disablePerforationOCR;
    /// Array of specific eligible document types from `RGLDiDocType` enum to recognize from.
    /// You may, for example, specify only passports to be recognized by setting this property.
    @property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSArray<NSNumber *> *documentGroupFilter;
    /// The list of LCID types to ignore during the recognition.
    /// If empty, values with all LCID types will be extracted.
    /// Narrowing down the list can reduce processing time.
    /// Empty by default.
    @property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSArray<NSNumber *> *lcidIgnoreFilter;
    /// The list of LCID types to recognize.
    /// If empty, values with all LCID types will be extracted.
    /// Empty by default.
    @property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSArray<NSNumber *> *lcidFilter;
    /// When enabled, image quality checks status affects document optical and overall status.
    /// Type: Bool.
    @property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSNumber *respectImageQuality;
    /// When enabled, the Surname and GivenNames field (`RGLDocumentReaderTextField`) will be divided into fields with fieldTypes `RGLFieldTypeFt_First_Name, RGLFieldTypeFt_Second_Name, RGLFieldTypeFt_Third_Name, RGLFieldTypeFt_Fourth_Name, RGLFieldTypeFt_Last_Name`.
    @property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSNumber *splitNames;
    /// Allowed `RGLAuthenticity`.
    /// Accepts sum of `RGLAuthenticity` values.
    @property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSNumber *processAuth;
    /// This option allows output text case transformation.
    /// No changes applied by default to original values.
    @property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) RGLTextProcessing *convertCase;
    /// Maximum width of output images. In pixels.
    @property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSNumber *imageOutputMaxWidth;
    /// Maximum height of output images. In pixels.
    @property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSNumber *imageOutputMaxHeight;
    /// If set to `true`, images will be saved to the application's directory.
    /// Type: Bool.
    @property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSNumber *debugSaveImages;
    /// If set to `true`, cropped images will be saved to the application's directory.
    /// Type: Bool.
    @property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSNumber *debugSaveCroppedImages;
    /// If set to `true`, RFID sessions will be saved to the application's directory.
    /// Type: Bool.
    @property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSNumber *debugSaveRFIDSession;
    /// If set to `true`, text logs will be saved to the application's directory.
    /// Type: Bool.
    @property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSNumber *debugSaveLogs;
    /// Enable the CAN (Card Access Number) detection when using scenarios with document location
    /// and MRZ reading, such as the MrzAndLocate scenario.
    @property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSNumber *doDetectCan;
    /// Make better MRZ detection on complex noisy backgrounds, like BW photocopy of some documents.
    /// Works only in the single-frame processing.
    /// Accepts `RGLMRZDetectMode` value.
    @property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSNumber *mrzDetectMode;
    /// This parameter is used to generate numeric representation for issuing state and nationality codes.
    /// Type: Bool.
    @property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSNumber *generateNumericCodes;
    /// Custom RFID params. See `RGLRFIDParams` for more information.
    @property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) RGLRFIDParams *rfidParams;
    /// Use this property to set up the Face API integration.
    /// Type: Bool.
    @property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSNumber *useFaceApi;
    /// Custom Face API integration params. See `RGLFaceAPIParams` for more information.
    @property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) RGLFaceAPIParams *faceApiParams;
    @property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSNumber *useAuthenticityCheck;
    @property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) RGLAuthenticityParams *authenticityParams;
    @property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) RGLBackendProcessingConfig *backendProcessingConfig;


    class ProcessParams : NSObject
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    @interface RGLRFIDNotify: NSObject
    /// The notification code.
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) RGLRFIDNotificationCodes code;
    /// The value in the context of the notification code.
    /// @see specific codes from the `RGLRFIDNotificationCode`.
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) double value;
    /// The attachment part of a composite notification code. Contains a value related to different enum types.
    /// @see specific codes from the `RGLRFIDNotificationCode`.
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) uint32_t attachment;
    - (instancetype)initWithCode:(uint32_t)code value:(double)value;
    + (NSString *)rfidDataFileTypeName:(RGLRFIDDataFileType)type;
    + (NSString *)rfidErrorCodesName:(RGLRFIDErrorCodes)errorCode;


    class RFIDNotify : NSObject
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    @interface RGLRFIDParams : NSObject
    /// A list of notification codes that should be ignored during passive authentication (PA).
    @property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSArray<NSNumber *> *paIgnoreNotificationCodes;


    class RFIDParams : NSObject
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    @interface RGLRFIDScenario : NSObject
    @property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL autoSettings;
    @property(nonatomic, assign) RGLESignManagementAction signManagementAction;
    @property(nonatomic, assign) int readingBuffer;
    @property(nonatomic, assign) int defaultReadingBufferSize;
    @property(nonatomic, assign) int onlineTAToSignDataType;
    @property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL onlineTA;
    @property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL writeEid;
    @property(nonatomic, assign) RGLRFIDSdkProfilerType profilerType;
    @property(nonatomic, assign) RGLRFIDAuthenticationProcedureType authProcType;
    @property(nonatomic, assign) RGLRFIDAccessControlProcedureType baseSMProcedure;
    @property(nonatomic, assign) RGLRFIDPasswordType pacePasswordType;
    @property(nonatomic, assign) RGLRFIDTerminalType terminalType;
    @property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL universalAccessRights;
    @property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL authorizedRestrictedIdentification;
    @property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL auxVerificationCommunityID;
    @property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL auxVerificationDateOfBirth;
    @property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL skipAA;
    @property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL strictProcessing;
    @property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL pkdDSCertPriority;
    @property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL pkdUseExternalCSCA;
    @property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL trustedPKD;
    @property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL passiveAuth;
    @property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL paceStaticBinding;
    @property(nonatomic, strong, nonnull) NSString *password;
    @property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL useSFI;
    @property(nonatomic, strong, nonnull) NSString *pkdPA;
    @property(nonatomic, strong, nonnull) NSString *pkdEAC;
    @property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL readEPassport;
    @property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL readEID;
    @property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL readEDL;
    @property(nonatomic, strong, nonnull) RGLePassportDataGroup *ePassportDataGroups;
    @property(nonatomic, strong, nonnull) RGLeIDDataGroup *eIDDataGroups;
    @property(nonatomic, strong, nonnull) RGLeDLDataGroup *eDLDataGroups;
    @property(nonatomic, strong, nonnull) NSString *mrz;
    @property(nonatomic, strong, nonnull) NSString *eSignPINDefault;
    @property(nonatomic, strong, nonnull) NSString *eSignPINNewValue;
    @property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL authorizedSTSignature;
    @property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL authorizedSTQSignature;
    @property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL authorizedWriteDG17;
    @property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL authorizedWriteDG18;
    @property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL authorizedWriteDG19;
    @property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL authorizedWriteDG20;
    @property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL authorizedWriteDG21;
    @property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL authorizedVerifyAge;
    @property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL authorizedVerifyCommunityID;
    @property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL authorizedPrivilegedTerminal;
    @property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL authorizedCANAllowed;
    @property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL authorizedPINManagment;
    @property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL authorizedInstallCert;
    @property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL authorizedInstallQCert;
    @property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL applyAmendments;
    /// If set to true, continue RFID chip processing, despite ICAO critical errors
    /// Default: false.
    @property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL proceedReadingAlways;
    - (instancetype _Nonnull)initWithJSON:(NSDictionary *_Nonnull)json;
    - (NSDictionary *_Nonnull)rfidScenarioDictionary;
    - (NSDictionary *_Nonnull)correctedDictionaryByAutosettings:(RGLDocumentReaderResults *_Nonnull)results;
    + (instancetype _Nonnull)initWithJSON:(NSDictionary * _Nonnull)json;


    class RFIDScenario : NSObject
  • Undocumented

    See more



    @interface RGLRFIDSessionData : NSObject
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nonnull) NSArray <RGLAccessControlProcedureType *> *accessControls;
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nonnull) NSArray <RGLApplication *> *applications;
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nonnull) NSArray <RGLSecurityObject *> *securityObjects;
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nonnull) NSArray <NSNumber *> *dataGroups;
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nonnull) NSArray <RGLDataField *> *dataFields;
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nonnull) RGLCardProperties *cardProperties;
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) NSInteger totalBytesReceived;
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) NSInteger totalBytesSent;
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) RGLRFIDErrorCodes status;
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) RGLRFIDErrorCodes extLeSupport;
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) double processTime;
    - (instancetype _Nonnull)init NS_UNAVAILABLE;
    - (instancetype _Nonnull)initWithJSON:(NSDictionary *_Nonnull)json dataFields:(NSArray<RGLDataField *> *_Nullable)dataFields;
    + (instancetype _Nonnull)initWithJSON:(NSDictionary *_Nonnull)json dataFields:(NSArray<RGLDataField *> *_Nullable)dataFields;
    - (NSDictionary *_Nonnull)jsonDictionary;


    class RFIDSessionData : NSObject
  • Container for a RFID related scanning statuses.

    See more



    @interface RGLRFIDSessionDataStatus : NSObject


    class RFIDSessionDataStatus : NSObject
  • Undocumented

    See more



    @interface RGLRFIDValue : NSObject
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nonnull) NSString *data;
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) NSInteger length;
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) double status;
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) NSInteger type;
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nonnull) NSString *format;
    - (instancetype _Nonnull)init NS_UNAVAILABLE;
    - (instancetype _Nonnull)initWithJSON:(NSDictionary *_Nonnull)json;
    + (instancetype _Nonnull)initWithJSON:(NSDictionary * _Nonnull)json;
    - (NSDictionary *_Nonnull)jsonDictionary;


    class RFIDValue : NSObject
  • Undocumented

    See more



    @interface RGLRecognizeConfig : RGLBaseConfig
    /// This parameter processing an image that contains a person and a document and compare the portrait photo from the document with the person's face.
    /// It works only in the single-frame processing, but not in the video frame processing.
    /// Requires network connection.
    /// Default: NO.
    @property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL oneShotIdentification;
    @property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) UIImage *image;
    @property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSData *imageData;
    @property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSArray <UIImage *> *images;
    @property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSArray <RGLImageInput *> *imageInputs;
    - (instancetype)initWithImage:(UIImage *)image RGL_DEPRECATED(7.2, "Use `[[RGLRecognizeConfig alloc] initWithScenario:] or [[RGLRecognizeConfig alloc] initWithOnlineProcessingConfig:], then set image");
    - (instancetype)initWithImageData:(NSData *)imageData RGL_DEPRECATED(7.2, "Use `[[RGLRecognizeConfig alloc] initWithScenario:] or [[RGLRecognizeConfig alloc] initWithOnlineProcessingConfig:], then set imageData");
    - (instancetype)initWithImages:(NSArray <UIImage *> *)images RGL_DEPRECATED(7.2, "Use `[[RGLRecognizeConfig alloc] initWithScenario:] or [[RGLRecognizeConfig alloc] initWithOnlineProcessingConfig:], then set images");
    - (instancetype)initWithImageInputs:(NSArray <RGLImageInput *> *)imageInputs RGL_DEPRECATED(7.2, "Use `[[RGLRecognizeConfig alloc] initWithScenario:] or [[RGLRecognizeConfig alloc] initWithOnlineProcessingConfig:], then set imageInputs");
  • Undocumented

    See more



    @interface RGLRecordingTimestampConfig : NSObject
    @property(nonatomic, assign) RGLRecordingTimestampPosition position;
    @property(nonatomic, strong) UIColor *backgroundColor;
    @property(nonatomic, strong) UIColor *textColor;
    @property(nonatomic, strong) UIFont *textFont;
    @property(nonatomic, strong) NSString *dateTimeFormat;
    @property(nonatomic, strong) NSString *timezoneName;


    class RGLRecordingTimestampConfig : NSObject
  • Deprecated


    See more



    @interface RGLReprocParams : NSObject
    @property(nonatomic, strong, nonnull) NSString *serviceURL;
    @property(nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSNumber *failIfNoService;
    @property(nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSDictionary *httpHeaders;
  • Undocumented

    See more



    @interface RGLScannerConfig : RGLBaseConfig
    - (instancetype)initWithScenario:(nullable NSString *)scenario
              onlineProcessingConfig:(RGLOnlineProcessingConfig *)onlineProcessingConfig;
  • Undocumented

    See more



    @interface RGLScenario : NSObject
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nonnull) NSString *identifier;
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) RGLDocReaderFrame frame;
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) double frameKWHLandscape;
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) double frameKWHPortrait;
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) double frameKWHDoublePageSpreadPortrait;
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) double frameKWHDoublePageSpreadLandscape;
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nonnull) NSString *scenarioDescription;
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) BOOL barcodeExt;
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) BOOL faceExt;
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) BOOL multiPageOff;
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) BOOL seriesProcessMode;
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nonnull) NSString *caption;
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) BOOL uvTorch;
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) RGLDocReaderOrientation frameOrientation;
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) BOOL manualCrop;
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) int32_t resolutionWidth;
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) int32_t resolutionHeight;
    - (instancetype _Nonnull)initWithIdentifier:(NSString *_Nonnull)identifier frame:(RGLDocReaderFrame)frame frameKWHLandscape:(double)frameKWHLandscape frameKWHPortrait:(double)frameKWHPortrait frameKWHDoublePageSpreadPortrait:(double)frameKWHDoublePageSpreadPortrait frameKWHDoublePageSpreadLandscape:(double)frameKWHDoublePageSpreadLandscape scenarioDescription:(NSString *_Nonnull)scenarioDescription barcodeExt:(BOOL)barcodeExt faceExt:(BOOL)faceExt multiPageOff:(BOOL)multiPageOff caption:(NSString *_Nonnull)caption uvTorch:(BOOL)uvTorch frameOrientation:(RGLDocReaderOrientation)frameOrientation seriesProcessMode:(BOOL)seriesProcessMode manualCrop:(BOOL)manualCrop;
    - (instancetype _Nonnull)initWithJSON:(NSDictionary *_Nonnull)json;
    + (instancetype _Nonnull)initWithJSON:(NSDictionary * _Nonnull)json;
    + (NSArray * _Nullable)arrayFromJSON:(NSDictionary * _Nonnull)json;


    class Scenario : NSObject
  • Undocumented

    See more



    @interface RGLSecurityFeatureCheck : RGLAuthenticityElement
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nonnull) RGLElementRect *elementRect;


    class SecurityFeatureCheck : AuthenticityElement
  • Undocumented

    See more



    @interface RGLSecurityObject : NSObject
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) NSInteger fileReference;
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nonnull) NSString *objectType;
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) NSInteger version;
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nonnull) NSArray <RGLSignerInfo *> *signerInfos;
    /// The list of remarks occured during the scanning procedure.
    /// Each element is a `NSNumber` containing a `NSUInteger`, that belongs to the `enum eLDS_ParsingErrorCodes`
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nonnull) NSArray<NSNumber *> *notifications;
    - (instancetype _Nonnull)init NS_UNAVAILABLE;
    - (instancetype _Nonnull)initWithJSON:(NSDictionary *_Nonnull)json;
    + (instancetype _Nonnull)initWithJSON:(NSDictionary * _Nonnull)json;
    - (NSDictionary *_Nonnull)jsonDictionary;


    class SecurityObject : NSObject
  • Undocumented

    See more



    @interface RGLSecurityObjectCertificates : NSObject
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nonnull) RGLCertificateData *securityObject;
    - (instancetype _Nonnull)init NS_UNAVAILABLE;
    - (instancetype _Nonnull)initWithJSON:(NSDictionary *_Nonnull)json;
    + (instancetype _Nonnull)initWithJSON:(NSDictionary * _Nonnull)json;
    - (NSDictionary *_Nonnull)jsonDictionary;


    class SecurityObjectCertificates : NSObject
  • Undocumented

    See more



    @interface RGLSignerInfo : NSObject
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nonnull) NSString *dataToHash;
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nonnull) NSString *digestAlgorithm;
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) double paStatus;
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nonnull) NSString *signatureAlgorithm;
    @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) NSInteger version;
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nonnull) RGLAuthority *issuer;
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nonnull) RGLRFIDValue *serialNumber;
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nonnull) RGLRFIDValue *signature;
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nonnull) NSArray <RGLExtension *> *signedAttributes;
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nonnull) RGLRFIDValue *subjectKeyIdentifier;
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nonnull) NSArray <RGLCertificateChain *> *certificateChain;
    /// The list of remarks occured during the scanning procedure.
    /// Each element is a `NSNumber` containing a `NSUInteger`, that belongs to the `enum eLDS_ParsingErrorCodes`
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nonnull) NSArray <NSNumber *> *notifications;
    - (instancetype _Nonnull)init NS_UNAVAILABLE;
    - (instancetype _Nonnull)initWithJSON:(NSDictionary *_Nonnull)json;
    + (instancetype _Nonnull)initWithJSON:(NSDictionary * _Nonnull)json;
    - (NSDictionary *_Nonnull)jsonDictionary;


    class SignerInfo : NSObject
  • Undocumented

    See more



    @interface RGLTAChallenge : NSObject
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nonnull) NSData *data;
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nonnull) NSString *auxPCD;
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nonnull) NSString *challengePICC;
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nonnull) NSString *hashPK;
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nonnull) NSString *idPICC;
    - (instancetype _Nonnull)init NS_UNAVAILABLE;
    - (instancetype _Nonnull)initWithJSON:(NSDictionary *_Nonnull)json;
    + (instancetype _Nonnull)initWithJSON:(NSDictionary * _Nonnull)json;


    class TAChallenge : NSObject
  • TCC service related parameters for RFID session configuration.

    See more



    @interface RGLTCCParams : NSObject


    class TCCParams : NSObject
  • Text case transformation.

    See more



    @interface RGLTextProcessing : NSObject


    class TextProcessing : NSObject
  • Undocumented

    See more



    @interface RGLTransactionInfo : NSObject
    @property(nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSString *transactionId;
    @property(nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSString *tag;
    - (instancetype _Nonnull)initWithTag:(NSString *)tag transactionId:(NSString *)transactionId;
    - (instancetype _Nonnull)initWithJSON:(NSDictionary *)json;


    class RGLTransactionInfo : NSObject
  • Undocumented

    See more



    @interface RGLUIConfiguration : NSObject
    - (instancetype)initWithBuilder:(RGLUIConfigurationBuilder *)builder NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER;
    + (instancetype)defaultConfiguration;
    + (instancetype)configurationWithBuilderBlock:(void (^)(RGLUIConfigurationBuilder *))builderBlock;
    - (UIColor *)colorForItem:(RGLCustomizationColor)item;
    - (UIFont *)fontForItem:(RGLCustomizationFont)item;
    - (UIImage *)imageForItem:(RGLCustomizationImage)item;
  • Undocumented

    See more



    @interface RGLUIConfigurationBuilder : NSObject
    - (void)setColor:(UIColor *)color forItem:(RGLCustomizationColor)item;
    - (void)setFont:(UIFont *)font forItem:(RGLCustomizationFont)item;
    - (void)setImage:(UIImage *)image forItem:(RGLCustomizationImage)item;
  • The results of checking of fluorescent fibers type for UV light image.

    See more



    @interface RGLUVFiberElement : RGLAuthenticityElement


    class UVFiberElement : AuthenticityElement
  • Visible Digital Seal for Non Constrained environments.

    See more



    @interface RGLVDSNCData : NSObject


    class VDSNCData : NSObject
  • Undocumented

    See more



    @interface RGLValidity : NSObject
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nonnull) RGLRFIDValue *notAfter;
    @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nonnull) RGLRFIDValue *notBefore;
    - (instancetype _Nonnull)init NS_UNAVAILABLE;
    - (instancetype _Nonnull)initWithJSON:(NSDictionary *_Nonnull)json;
    + (instancetype _Nonnull)initWithJSON:(NSDictionary * _Nonnull)json;
    - (NSDictionary *_Nonnull)jsonDictionary;


    class Validity : NSObject
  • Undocumented

    See more



    @interface RGLeDLDataGroup : RGLDataGroup
    + (instancetype _Nonnull)initWithJSON:(NSDictionary * _Nonnull)json;


    class eDLDataGroup
  • Undocumented

    See more



    @interface RGLeIDDataGroup : RGLDataGroup
    @property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL dG15;
    @property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL dG16;
    @property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL dG17;
    @property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL dG18;
    @property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL dG19;
    @property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL dG20;
    @property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL dG21;
    + (instancetype _Nonnull)initWithJSON:(NSDictionary * _Nonnull)json;


    class eIDDataGroup
  • Undocumented

    See more



    @interface RGLePassportDataGroup : RGLDataGroup
    @property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL dG15;
    @property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL dG16;
    + (instancetype _Nonnull)initWithJSON:(NSDictionary * _Nonnull)json;


    class ePassportDataGroup