

NS_ENUM(NSInteger, RGLBarcodeResult) {
     No error
    RGLBarcodeResultNoErr                                 = 0,
     Null pointer of input arg/param error
    RGLBarcodeResultNullPtrErr                            = -6001,
     Function arg/param is bad
    RGLBarcodeResultBadArgErr                             = -6002,
     Wrong value of data size
    RGLBarcodeResultSizeErr                               = -6003,
     Bad values of any parameter range
    RGLBarcodeResultRangeErr                              = -6004,
     Internal program error
    RGLBarcodeResultInternalErr                           = -6005,
     try-except process
    RGLBarcodeResultTryExceptErr                          = -6006,
     Barcode detection error
    RGLBarcodeResultBarCodeNotFound                       = -6008,
     Barcode decoding error
    RGLBarcodeResultBarCodeDecodeErr                      = -6010,
     "ImageProcess.dll" connection error
    RGLBarcodeResultNoUserDLLFound                        = -6019,
     IPP Dll connection error
    RGLBarcodeResultNoIPPDLLFound                         = -6020,
     Run-time error in IPP-function
    RGLBarcodeResultIppExecErr                            = -6024,
     try-except execution in IPP-function
    RGLBarcodeResultIppTryExceptErr                       = -6025,
     Input data error
    RGLBarcodeResultBARCODE_ERROR_Inputparam              = -11001,
     Initialization error
    RGLBarcodeResultBARCODE_ERROR_FInit                   = -11006,
     "IpDecode.dll" connection error
    RGLBarcodeResultBARCODE_ERROR_NotLoadIpDecodedll      = -11012,
     Internal program error
    RGLBarcodeResultBARCODE_ERROR_InnerProblem            = -11100,
     1D-barcode decoding error
    RGLBarcodeResultBARCODE_ERROR_Decode_1D_BadDecode     = -11200,
     Row or Column count computational error (PDF417)
    RGLBarcodeResultBARCODE_ERROR_FindRowOrColumn         = -11201,
     MinX computational error (PDF417)
    RGLBarcodeResultBARCODE_ERROR_Find3X8_2D_X            = -11202,
     MinY computational error (PDF417)
    RGLBarcodeResultBARCODE_ERROR_Find3X8_2D_Y            = -11203,
     Invalid barcode angle (> 3 degree)
    RGLBarcodeResultBARCODE_ERROR_2D_UgolMax              = -11204,
     The result may contain decoding errors
     Dll initialization error
    RGLBarcodeResultBARCODE_ERROR_Dllnotinit              = -11300,
     try-except in IPDECODE-function
    RGLBarcodeResultBARCODE_ERROR_IPDECODE_DLL_Try_Except = -11400,
     Too many invalid code words
    RGLBarcodeResultIPDECODE_ERROR_LARGEERRORS            = -4503,
     Invalid number of columns
    RGLBarcodeResultIPDECODE_ERROR_FAULTCOLUMNS           = -4504,
     Invalid number of rows
    RGLBarcodeResultIPDECODE_ERROR_FAULTROWS              = -4505,
     Correction Level error
     Loading "DevTable.bin" error


enum BarcodeResult : Int, @unchecked Sendable
