AnimationImage |
BarcodeResult |
Enumeration contains identifiers determining barcodes data reading result
BarcodeType |
Enumeration contains types of barcodes which can be processed
ButtonTag |
Button tags for UI customization
CameraMode |
Enumeration contains types of camera API.
CameraTypes |
Enumeration contains types of camera.
CaptureMode |
Enumeration contains possible scanning modes
diDocType |
Enumeration contains possible values of document types
DocFormat |
Enumeration contains a set of identifiers determining document geometric format according to the ISO/IEC 7810
DocReaderAction |
Contains all possible callback codes
DocReaderFrame |
Possible values of the frame type
DocReaderOrientation |
Contains set of values of the application's orientation
eCheckDiagnose |
Enumeration contains identificators which determinate the result of the text field comparison from the different sources
eCheckResult |
Enumeration contains identifiers determining the result of a single document security check
eGraphicFieldType |
Enumeration contains identifiers determining the logical type of the graphic data obtained while reading document filling fields or barcodes
eImageQualityCheckType |
Enumeration contains possible values of input image quality check result type
eLDS_ParsingErrorCodes |
eLDS_ParsingNotificationCodes |
eMrzDetectionModes |
eProcessGLCommands |
eRequestCommand |
Internal use only
eRFID_AccessControl_ProcedureType |
Enumeration contains a set of constants that define the type of authentication or secure data access procedure
eRFID_Application_Type |
Type of application of electronic document
eRFID_AuthenticationProcedureType |
Enumeration contains a set of constants that define the type of performed procedure of document authentication within the context of the communication session with electronic document
eRFID_BaudRate |
Enumeration contains a set of constants specifying the rate of data ex- change between the reader and the RFID-chip
eRFID_CertificateType |
Enumeration contains a set of constants that define the type of certificate used in the procedure of document security object digital signature verification
eRFID_DataFile_Type |
Enumeration contains a set of constants that define the file type (or logical belonging of the data object) within the context of the communication session with electronic document
eRFID_ErrorCodes |
Created by Sergey Yakimchik on 2.03.22.
eRFID_NotificationCodes |
Enumeration contains a set of notification returned to the user application by calling the callback-function
eRFID_Password_Type |
Enumeration contains a set of constants that define the type of key to access the protected data
eRFID_SDK_ProfilerType |
Enumeration contains a set of constants that determine the profiler type
eRFID_TerminalType |
Enumeration contains a set of constants that define the type of terminal within the context of the communication session with electronic document
eRPRM_Authenticity |
Enumeration contains identifiers determining the possibility of performing different authenticity control procedures using the images for definite lighting schemes
eRPRM_Lights |
Enumeration contains a set of identifiers used for identifying document reader possibilities, specifying lighting schemes for scanning etc.
eRPRM_ResultType |
Enumeration contains a pool of constants which determine the type of resulting data formed during the data scanning and processing cycle and passed to the user application
eRPRM_SecurityFeatureType |
Enumeration contains identifiers determining types of elements for a document authenticity checking
eSignManagementAction |
Enumeration contains a pool of constants which determine eSign management action
eVisualFieldType |
contains identifiers determining the logical type of the text data obtained while reading MRZ, document filling fields and bar-codes.
FrameShapeType |
The constants of the enumeration identify the shape of the camera frame
HoloAnimationType |
ImageFormat |
Image formats used to create an online processing request
Enumeration consists of a language ID that identify a particular language
MRZFormat |
Created by Sergey Yakimchik on 25.08.21.
OnlineMode |
Modes used for online processing
PDF417Info |
Enumeration contains the information about the PDF417 barcode
PKDResourceType |
Enumeration contains a set of constants that define the type of certificate used in the procedure of document security object digital signature verification
ProcessingFinishedStatus |
Enumeration contains a set of constants that define scanning process completion status
RGLMeasureSystem |
The constants of the enumeration identify the system for measuring distances and weight
Scenario |
The constants of the enumeration contains the scenarios' identifiers
TextProcessing |