Confirm laminate integrity check in axial light
Barcode format check (code metadata, data format, contents format, etc.)
Encrypted IPI
Extended MRZ check
Extended OCR Check
Fingerprint comparison check
Hologram detection and validation check
Hologram presence check. Deprecated
Image patterns presence/absence check (position, shape, color)
Invisible Personal Information (IPI) visualization
B900 ink MRZ contrast check in IR light
Document elements visibility check in IR light
Kinegram check
LetterScreen check
Document liveness check
OCR for the text field in UV light comparison with other text sources check
OVI check. Deprecated, use Document liveness check instead
Owner's photo area advanced check (photo shape, size, position, etc.)
Owner's photo embedding check (is photo printed or sticked)
Portrait comparison check (document printed vs chip vs live)
Protection fibers presence check (color, density) in UV light
Document luminescence check in UV light
Enumeration describes available authenticity checks: