Class OutputImageCrop


public class OutputImageCrop extends Object
  • Constructor Details

    • OutputImageCrop

      public OutputImageCrop(OutputImageCropAspectRatio type, Size size, Integer padColor, boolean returnOriginalRect)
      type - the aspect ratio according to which alignment is performed
      size - the resize value to process. If the value doesn't match AspectRatio `type` proportion or minimum size, an adjustment is applied.
      padColor - when an image is aligned by `type`, its original size may be insufficient, and in this case it needs to be supplemented, "padded". padColor sets the value for the color that will be used for such a supplement.
      returnOriginalRect - if set, the coordinates of the rectangle with the face in the original image prepared for the face crop are returned in the DetectFaceResult.getOriginalRect(). Default false
    • OutputImageCrop

      public OutputImageCrop(OutputImageCropAspectRatio type, Size size, Long padColor, boolean returnOriginalRect)
    • OutputImageCrop

      public OutputImageCrop(OutputImageCropAspectRatio type, Size size, Integer padColor)
    • OutputImageCrop

      public OutputImageCrop(OutputImageCropAspectRatio type, Size size, Long padColor)
    • OutputImageCrop

      public OutputImageCrop(OutputImageCropAspectRatio type, Size size)
    • OutputImageCrop

      public OutputImageCrop(OutputImageCropAspectRatio type)
  • Method Details

    • getType

      public OutputImageCropAspectRatio getType()
    • getSize

      public Size getSize()
    • getPadColor

      public Long getPadColor()
    • isReturnOriginalRect

      public Boolean isReturnOriginalRect()