Documents recognition as easy as reading two bytes.
X-RequestID | string It allows the client and server to correlate each HTTP request. HTTP requests with an identifier are sent from the client to the server and back again. |
required | object (ProcessParams) |
Array of objects (ProcessRequestImage) | |
tag | string Session ID |
tenant | string Customer name |
env | string Environment type |
livePortrait | string <base64> Live portrait photo |
extPortrait | string <base64> Portrait photo from an external source |
object (ContainerList) List with various objects, containing processing results | |
object (ProcessSystemInfo) | |
object Free-form object to be included in response. Must be object, not list or simple value. Do not affect document processing. Use it freely to pass your app params. Stored in process logs. | |
dtc | string Digital Travel Credential (DTC-VC) data in base64 format for processing |
ImageUrls | Array of strings URLs to the document images for processing. |
ChipPage | integer (RfidLocation) Enum: 0 1 2 Determines the presence and location of an RFID chip in a document. 0 - no rfid chip; 1 - chip is located in the document data page; 2 - chip is located in the back page or inlay of the document |
ProcessingFinished required | integer (ProcessingStatus) Enum: 0 1 2 |
required | object (ContainerList) List with various objects, containing processing results |
required | object (TransactionInfo) |
log | string Base64 encoded transaction processing log |
object Free-form object provided in request. See passBackObject property of ProcessRequest. | |
morePagesAvailable | integer |
elapsedTime | integer Time the document processing has taken, ms. |
{- "processParam": {
- "generateDTCVC": true,
- "lcidFilter": [
- 0
], - "lcidIgnoreFilter": [
- 0
], - "oneShotIdentification": true,
- "useFaceApi": true,
- "faceApi": {
- "mode": "match",
- "search": {
- "limit": 0,
- "threshold": null,
- "group_ids": [
- 0
}, - "threshold": 75,
- "serviceTimeout": 3000,
- "proxy_userpwd": "user:pass",
- "proxy_type": 0,
- "childAgeThreshold": 13,
- "childDocValidityYears": 5
}, - "doDetectCan": true,
- "imageOutputMaxHeight": 0,
- "imageOutputMaxWidth": 0,
- "scenario": "Mrz",
- "resultTypeOutput": [
- 1
], - "doublePageSpread": true,
- "generateDoublePageSpreadImage": true,
- "fieldTypesFilter": [
- 0
], - "dateFormat": "MM/dd/yyyy",
- "measureSystem": 0,
- "imageDpiOutMax": 0,
- "alreadyCropped": true,
- "customParams": { },
- "config": [
- {
- "docID": [
- 0
], - "excludeAuthChecks": 2
], - "log": true,
- "logLevel": "FatalError",
- "forceDocID": 0,
- "matchTextFieldMask": true,
- "fastDocDetect": true,
- "updateOCRValidityByGlare": true,
- "checkRequiredTextFields": true,
- "returnCroppedBarcode": true,
- "imageQa": {
- "brightnessThreshold": 0,
- "dpiThreshold": 0,
- "angleThreshold": 0,
- "focusCheck": true,
- "glaresCheck": true,
- "colornessCheck": true,
- "documentPositionIndent": 0,
- "expectedPass": [
- "glaresCheck"
}, - "strictImageQuality": true,
- "respectImageQuality": true,
- "forceDocFormat": 0,
- "noGraphics": true,
- "depersonalizeLog": true,
- "multiDocOnImage": true,
- "shiftExpiryDate": 0,
- "minimalHolderAge": 0,
- "returnUncroppedImage": true,
- "mrzFormatsFilter": [
- "1x30"
], - "forceReadMrzBeforeLocate": true,
- "parseBarcodes": true,
- "convertCase": 0,
- "splitNames": true,
- "disablePerforationOCR": true,
- "documentGroupFilter": [
- 0
], - "processAuth": 0,
- "deviceId": 0,
- "deviceType": 0,
- "deviceTypeHex": "string",
- "ignoreDeviceIdFromImage": true,
- "documentIdList": [
- 0
], - "rfid": {
- "paSensitiveCodesDisable": [
- -1879048191
}, - "checkAuth": true,
- "authParams": {
- "checkLiveness": true,
- "livenessParams": {
- "checkOVI": true,
- "checkMLI": true,
- "checkHolo": true,
- "checkED": true
}, - "checkUVLuminiscence": true,
- "checkIRB900": true,
- "checkImagePatterns": true,
- "checkFibers": true,
- "checkExtMRZ": true,
- "checkExtOCR": true,
- "checkAxial": true,
- "checkBarcodeFormat": true,
- "checkIRVisibility": true,
- "checkIPI": true,
- "checkPhotoEmbedding": true,
- "checkPhotoComparison": true,
- "checkLetterScreen": true
}, - "mrzDetectMode": 0,
- "generateNumericCodes": true,
- "strictBarcodeDigitalSignatureCheck": true,
- "selectLongestNames": true,
- "doBarcodes": [
- "bct_unknown"
}, - "List": [
- {
- "light": 6,
- "page_idx": 0,
- "ImageData": {
- "image": "<base64 image>"
], - "tag": "string",
- "tenant": "string",
- "env": "string",
- "livePortrait": "Base64 encoded data",
- "extPortrait": "Base64 encoded data",
- "ContainerList": {
- "Count": 0,
- "List": [
- {
- "Status": {
- "overallStatus": 0,
- "optical": 0,
- "portrait": 0,
- "rfid": 0,
- "stopList": 0,
- "detailsRFID": {
- "overallStatus": 0,
- "AA": 0,
- "BAC": 0,
- "CA": 0,
- "PA": 0,
- "PACE": 0,
- "TA": 0
}, - "detailsOptical": {
- "overallStatus": 0,
- "docType": 0,
- "expiry": 0,
- "imageQA": 0,
- "mrz": 0,
- "pagesCount": 0,
- "security": 0,
- "text": 0
}, - "buf_length": 0,
- "light": 0,
- "list_idx": 0,
- "page_idx": 0,
- "result_type": 0
}, - "systemInfo": {
- "license": "string",
- "recaptcha_token": "string"
}, - "passBackObject": { },
- "dtc": "string",
- "ImageUrls": [
- "string"
{- "ChipPage": 0,
- "ProcessingFinished": 0,
- "ContainerList": {
- "Count": 0,
- "List": [
- {
- "Status": {
- "overallStatus": 0,
- "optical": 0,
- "portrait": 0,
- "rfid": 0,
- "stopList": 0,
- "detailsRFID": {
- "overallStatus": 0,
- "AA": 0,
- "BAC": 0,
- "CA": 0,
- "PA": 0,
- "PACE": 0,
- "TA": 0
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- "overallStatus": 0,
- "docType": 0,
- "expiry": 0,
- "imageQA": 0,
- "mrz": 0,
- "pagesCount": 0,
- "security": 0,
- "text": 0
}, - "buf_length": 0,
- "light": 0,
- "list_idx": 0,
- "page_idx": 0,
- "result_type": 0
}, - "TransactionInfo": {
- "ComputerName": "7cded6852d20",
- "DateTime": "2020-05-27T08:17:03.247Z",
- "TransactionID": "dc5eb444-ad6e-4ebc-8102-d62d5bb56a4e",
- "UserName": "user"
}, - "log": "string",
- "passBackObject": { },
- "morePagesAvailable": 0,
- "elapsedTime": 0
transactionId required | string <uuid> Transaction id |
required | object (ProcessParams) |
Array of objects (ProcessRequestImage) | |
livePortrait | string <base64> Live portrait photo |
extPortrait | string <base64> Portrait photo from an external source |
object (ContainerList) List with various objects, containing processing results | |
object (ProcessSystemInfo) | |
object Free-form object to be included in response. Must be object, not list or simple value. Do not affect document processing. Use it freely to pass your app params. Stored in process logs. | |
dtc | string Digital Travel Credential (DTC-VC) data in base64 format for processing |
object (OutData) | |
object (InData) | |
tag | string |
transactionId | string <uuid> |
{- "processParam": {
- "generateDTCVC": true,
- "lcidFilter": [
- 0
], - "lcidIgnoreFilter": [
- 0
], - "oneShotIdentification": true,
- "useFaceApi": true,
- "faceApi": {
- "mode": "match",
- "search": {
- "limit": 0,
- "threshold": null,
- "group_ids": [
- 0
}, - "threshold": 75,
- "serviceTimeout": 3000,
- "proxy_userpwd": "user:pass",
- "proxy_type": 0,
- "childAgeThreshold": 13,
- "childDocValidityYears": 5
}, - "doDetectCan": true,
- "imageOutputMaxHeight": 0,
- "imageOutputMaxWidth": 0,
- "scenario": "Mrz",
- "resultTypeOutput": [
- 1
], - "doublePageSpread": true,
- "generateDoublePageSpreadImage": true,
- "fieldTypesFilter": [
- 0
], - "dateFormat": "MM/dd/yyyy",
- "measureSystem": 0,
- "imageDpiOutMax": 0,
- "alreadyCropped": true,
- "customParams": { },
- "config": [
- {
- "docID": [
- 0
], - "excludeAuthChecks": 2
], - "log": true,
- "logLevel": "FatalError",
- "forceDocID": 0,
- "matchTextFieldMask": true,
- "fastDocDetect": true,
- "updateOCRValidityByGlare": true,
- "checkRequiredTextFields": true,
- "returnCroppedBarcode": true,
- "imageQa": {
- "brightnessThreshold": 0,
- "dpiThreshold": 0,
- "angleThreshold": 0,
- "focusCheck": true,
- "glaresCheck": true,
- "colornessCheck": true,
- "documentPositionIndent": 0,
- "expectedPass": [
- "glaresCheck"
}, - "strictImageQuality": true,
- "respectImageQuality": true,
- "forceDocFormat": 0,
- "noGraphics": true,
- "depersonalizeLog": true,
- "multiDocOnImage": true,
- "shiftExpiryDate": 0,
- "minimalHolderAge": 0,
- "returnUncroppedImage": true,
- "mrzFormatsFilter": [
- "1x30"
], - "forceReadMrzBeforeLocate": true,
- "parseBarcodes": true,
- "convertCase": 0,
- "splitNames": true,
- "disablePerforationOCR": true,
- "documentGroupFilter": [
- 0
], - "processAuth": 0,
- "deviceId": 0,
- "deviceType": 0,
- "deviceTypeHex": "string",
- "ignoreDeviceIdFromImage": true,
- "documentIdList": [
- 0
], - "rfid": {
- "paSensitiveCodesDisable": [
- -1879048191
}, - "checkAuth": true,
- "authParams": {
- "checkLiveness": true,
- "livenessParams": {
- "checkOVI": true,
- "checkMLI": true,
- "checkHolo": true,
- "checkED": true
}, - "checkUVLuminiscence": true,
- "checkIRB900": true,
- "checkImagePatterns": true,
- "checkFibers": true,
- "checkExtMRZ": true,
- "checkExtOCR": true,
- "checkAxial": true,
- "checkBarcodeFormat": true,
- "checkIRVisibility": true,
- "checkIPI": true,
- "checkPhotoEmbedding": true,
- "checkPhotoComparison": true,
- "checkLetterScreen": true
}, - "mrzDetectMode": 0,
- "generateNumericCodes": true,
- "strictBarcodeDigitalSignatureCheck": true,
- "selectLongestNames": true,
- "doBarcodes": [
- "bct_unknown"
}, - "List": [
- {
- "light": 6,
- "page_idx": 0,
- "ImageData": {
- "image": "<base64 image>"
], - "livePortrait": "Base64 encoded data",
- "extPortrait": "Base64 encoded data",
- "ContainerList": {
- "Count": 0,
- "List": [
- {
- "Status": {
- "overallStatus": 0,
- "optical": 0,
- "portrait": 0,
- "rfid": 0,
- "stopList": 0,
- "detailsRFID": {
- "overallStatus": 0,
- "AA": 0,
- "BAC": 0,
- "CA": 0,
- "PA": 0,
- "PACE": 0,
- "TA": 0
}, - "detailsOptical": {
- "overallStatus": 0,
- "docType": 0,
- "expiry": 0,
- "imageQA": 0,
- "mrz": 0,
- "pagesCount": 0,
- "security": 0,
- "text": 0
}, - "buf_length": 0,
- "light": 0,
- "list_idx": 0,
- "page_idx": 0,
- "result_type": 0
}, - "systemInfo": {
- "license": "string",
- "recaptcha_token": "string"
}, - "passBackObject": { },
- "dtc": "string"
{- "OutData": {
- "url": "string",
- "images": [
- {
- "fieldType": 201,
- "light": 0,
- "listIdx": 0,
- "pageIdx": 0,
- "url": "string"
}, - "InData": {
- "video": {
- "metadata": { },
- "url": "string"
}, - "images": [
- {
- "light": 0,
- "listIdx": 0,
- "pageIdx": 0,
- "url": "string"
}, - "tag": "string",
- "transactionId": "75906707-8c31-479c-b354-aa805c4cefbc"
transactionId required | string <uuid> Transaction id |
transactionId | string <uuid> |
tag | string |
object (OutData) | |
object (InData) |
{- "transactionId": "75906707-8c31-479c-b354-aa805c4cefbc",
- "tag": "string",
- "outData": {
- "url": "string",
- "images": [
- {
- "fieldType": 201,
- "light": 0,
- "listIdx": 0,
- "pageIdx": 0,
- "url": "string"
}, - "inData": {
- "video": {
- "metadata": { },
- "url": "string"
}, - "images": [
- {
- "light": 0,
- "listIdx": 0,
- "pageIdx": 0,
- "url": "string"
transactionId required | string <uuid> Transaction id |
withImages | boolean Enum: true false With base64 images or url |
ChipPage | integer (RfidLocation) Enum: 0 1 2 Determines the presence and location of an RFID chip in a document. 0 - no rfid chip; 1 - chip is located in the document data page; 2 - chip is located in the back page or inlay of the document |
ProcessingFinished | integer (ProcessingStatus) Enum: 0 1 2 |
object (ContainerList) List with various objects, containing processing results | |
object (TransactionInfo) | |
log | string Base64 encoded transaction processing log |
object Free-form object provided in request. See passBackObject property of ProcessRequest. | |
morePagesAvailable | integer |
elapsedTime | integer Time the document processing has taken, ms. |
CoreLibResultCode | integer |
{- "ChipPage": 0,
- "ProcessingFinished": 0,
- "ContainerList": {
- "Count": 0,
- "List": [
- {
- "Status": {
- "overallStatus": 0,
- "optical": 0,
- "portrait": 0,
- "rfid": 0,
- "stopList": 0,
- "detailsRFID": {
- "overallStatus": 0,
- "AA": 0,
- "BAC": 0,
- "CA": 0,
- "PA": 0,
- "PACE": 0,
- "TA": 0
}, - "detailsOptical": {
- "overallStatus": 0,
- "docType": 0,
- "expiry": 0,
- "imageQA": 0,
- "mrz": 0,
- "pagesCount": 0,
- "security": 0,
- "text": 0
}, - "buf_length": 0,
- "light": 0,
- "list_idx": 0,
- "page_idx": 0,
- "result_type": 0
}, - "TransactionInfo": {
- "ComputerName": "7cded6852d20",
- "DateTime": "2020-05-27T08:17:03.247Z",
- "TransactionID": "dc5eb444-ad6e-4ebc-8102-d62d5bb56a4e",
- "UserName": "user"
}, - "log": "string",
- "passBackObject": { },
- "morePagesAvailable": 0,
- "elapsedTime": 0,
- "CoreLibResultCode": 0
tagId required | string Tag id |
Array of objects (GetTransactionsByTagResponse) | |
object |
{- "items": [
- {
- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
- "state": 0,
- "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
], - "metadata": { }
X-RequestID | string It allows the client and server to correlate each HTTP request. HTTP requests with an identifier are sent from the client to the server and back again. |
app-name | string |
version | string |
license-id | string |
license-serial | string |
valid-until | string <date-time> |
server-time | string <date-time> |
{- "app-name": "Regula Process Manager Service",
- "version": "5.3.104980.123",
- "license-id": "4d43a2af-e321-496c-9a4e-5a8f3d26df0e",
- "license-serial": "OL70786",
- "valid-until": "9999-12-31T23:59:59Z",
- "server-time": "2020-10-16 09:42:08.080713+00:00"
X-RequestID | string It allows the client and server to correlate each HTTP request. HTTP requests with an identifier are sent from the client to the server and back again. |
app required | string Application name. |
licenseId required | string or null Unique license identifier. |
licenseType required | string or null License type. |
licenseSerial required | string or null License serial number. |
licenseValidUntil required | string or null <date-time> License validity date. |
scenarios required | Array of strings or null List of supported scenarios. |
version required | string or null Product version. |
object Database information. |
{- "app": "Regula Document Reader Web API",
- "licenseId": "4D43A2AF-E321-496C-9A4E-5A8F3D26DF0E",
- "licenseType": "Transactional",
- "licenseSerial": "OL70786",
- "licenseValidUntil": "9999-12-31T23:59:59Z",
- "scenarios": [
- "Mrz",
- "Barcode",
- "Locate"
], - "version": "7.5.297907.1721",
- "documentsDatabase": {
- "id": "FullAuth",
- "version": "800111",
- "exportDate": "2024-11-11",
- "description": "FullAuth: All documents"
overallStatus required | integer (CheckResult) Enum: 0 1 2 0 - result is negative; 1 - result is positive; 2 - сheck was not performed |
optical required | integer (CheckResult) Enum: 0 1 2 0 - result is negative; 1 - result is positive; 2 - сheck was not performed |
portrait | integer (CheckResult) Enum: 0 1 2 0 - result is negative; 1 - result is positive; 2 - сheck was not performed |
rfid | integer (CheckResult) Enum: 0 1 2 0 - result is negative; 1 - result is positive; 2 - сheck was not performed |
stopList | integer (CheckResult) Enum: 0 1 2 0 - result is negative; 1 - result is positive; 2 - сheck was not performed |
object (detailsRFID) | |
required | object (detailsOptical) |
{- "overallStatus": 0,
- "optical": 0,
- "portrait": 0,
- "rfid": 0,
- "stopList": 0,
- "detailsRFID": {
- "overallStatus": 0,
- "AA": 0,
- "BAC": 0,
- "CA": 0,
- "PA": 0,
- "PACE": 0,
- "TA": 0
}, - "detailsOptical": {
- "overallStatus": 0,
- "docType": 0,
- "expiry": 0,
- "imageQA": 0,
- "mrz": 0,
- "pagesCount": 0,
- "security": 0,
- "text": 0
status required | integer (CheckResult) Enum: 0 1 2 0 - result is negative; 1 - result is positive; 2 - сheck was not performed |
validityStatus required | integer (CheckResult) Enum: 0 1 2 0 - result is negative; 1 - result is positive; 2 - сheck was not performed |
comparisonStatus required | integer (CheckResult) Enum: 0 1 2 0 - result is negative; 1 - result is positive; 2 - сheck was not performed |
required | Array of objects (TextField) |
required | Array of objects (TextAvailableSource) |
{- "status": 0,
- "validityStatus": 0,
- "comparisonStatus": 0,
- "fieldList": [
- {
- "fieldType": 0,
- "fieldName": "string",
- "lcid": 0,
- "status": 0,
- "validityStatus": 0,
- "comparisonStatus": 0,
- "value": "string",
- "valueList": [
- {
- "source": "MRZ",
- "value": "string",
- "originalValue": "string",
- "originalSymbols": [
- {
- "code": 0,
- "probability": 100,
- "rect": {
- "left": 0,
- "top": 0,
- "right": 0,
- "bottom": 0
], - "pageIndex": 0,
- "probability": 100,
- "fieldRect": {
- "left": 0,
- "top": 0,
- "right": 0,
- "bottom": 0
}, - "rfidOrigin": {
- "dg": 0,
- "dgTag": 0,
- "tagEntry": 0,
- "entryView": 0
], - "validityList": [
- {
- "source": "MRZ",
- "status": 0
], - "comparisonList": [
- {
- "sourceLeft": "MRZ",
- "sourceRight": "MRZ",
- "status": 0
], - "availableSourceList": [
- {
- "source": "MRZ",
- "validityStatus": 0,
- "containerType": 0
Images model:
required | Array of objects (ImagesAvailableSource) |
required | Array of objects (ImagesField) |
{- "availableSourceList": [
- {
- "containerType": 0,
- "source": "MRZ"
], - "fieldList": [
- {
- "fieldName": "string",
- "fieldType": 201,
- "valueList": [
- {
- "source": "MRZ",
- "value": "Base64 encoded image",
- "originalValue": "Base64 encoded image",
- "originalPageIndex": 0,
- "pageIndex": 0,
- "lightIndex": 0,
- "containerType": 0,
- "fieldRect": {
- "left": 0,
- "top": 0,
- "right": 0,
- "bottom": 0
}, - "rfidOrigin": {
- "dg": 0,
- "dgTag": 0,
- "tagEntry": 0,
- "entryView": 0
Document image model:
image required | string <base64> (ImageBase64) Base64 encoded image |
format | string Image format |
{- "image": "Base64 encoded image",
- "format": "string"
Choosen Document model:
DocumentName | string Document name |
ID | integer Unique document type template identifier (Regula's internal numeric code) |
P | number [ 0 .. 1 ] A measure of the likelihood of correct recognition in the analysis of this type of document |
RFID_Presence | integer (RfidLocation) Enum: 0 1 2 Determines the presence and location of an RFID chip in a document. 0 - no rfid chip; 1 - chip is located in the document data page; 2 - chip is located in the back page or inlay of the document |
object (FDSIDList) Extended document type info and Regula's 'Information Reference Systems' links | |
NecessaryLights | integer Combination of lighting scheme identifiers (Light enum) required to conduct OCR for this type of document |
CheckAuthenticity | integer Set of authentication options provided for this type of document (combination of Authenticity enum) |
UVExp | integer The required exposure value of the camera when receiving images of a document of this type for a UV lighting scheme |
AuthenticityNecessaryLights | integer Combination of lighting scheme identifiers (combination of Light enum) needed to perform all authenticity checks specified in CheckAuthenticity |
{- "DocumentName": "string",
- "ID": 0,
- "P": 0.9913095831871032,
- "RFID_Presence": 0,
- "FDSIDList": {
- "ICAOCode": "str",
- "List": [
- 0
], - "dType": 0,
- "dFormat": 0,
- "dMRZ": true,
- "dDescription": "string",
- "dYear": "string",
- "dCountryName": "string",
- "dStateCode": "string",
- "dStateName": "string",
- "isDeprecated": true
}, - "NecessaryLights": 0,
- "CheckAuthenticity": 0,
- "UVExp": 0,
- "AuthenticityNecessaryLights": 0
Candidates model:
RecResult | integer (DocumentTypeRecognitionResult) Enum: 0 15 29 |
Array of objects (OneCandidate) |
{- "RecResult": 0,
- "Candidates": [
- {
- "DocumentName": "string",
- "ID": 0,
- "P": 0.9913095831871032,
- "RFID_Presence": 0,
- "FDSIDList": {
- "ICAOCode": "str",
- "List": [
- 0
], - "dType": 0,
- "dFormat": 0,
- "dMRZ": true,
- "dDescription": "string",
- "dYear": "string",
- "dCountryName": "string",
- "dStateCode": "string",
- "dStateName": "string",
- "isDeprecated": true
}, - "NecessaryLights": 0,
- "CheckAuthenticity": 0,
- "UVExp": 0,
- "AuthenticityNecessaryLights": 0
Type required | integer (AuthenticityResultType) Enum: 1 2 4 8 16 … 17 more Enumeration describes available authenticity checks: |
Result required | integer (CheckResult) Enum: 0 1 2 0 - result is negative; 1 - result is positive; 2 - сheck was not performed |
required | Array of Security Feature Check (object) or Ident Check (object) or Fibers Check (object) or OCR Security Text Check (object) or Photo Ident Check (object) |
{- "Type": 1,
- "Result": 0,
- "List": [
- {
- "Type": 0,
- "ElementResult": 0,
- "ElementDiagnose": 0,
- "PercentValue": 0,
- "ElementType": 0,
- "ElementRect": {
- "left": 0,
- "top": 0,
- "right": 0,
- "bottom": 0
}, - "Visibility": 0,
- "CriticalFlag": 0,
- "AreaList": {
- "Count": 0,
- "List": [
- {
- "left": 0,
- "top": 0,
- "right": 0,
- "bottom": 0
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- {
- "PointCount": 0,
- "PointsList": [
- {
- "x": 0,
- "y": 0
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